Publications of Xiao-Wu Chen
1. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Hua-Lin Huang, Yu Ye, Pu Zhang, Monomial Hopf Algebras,
Journal of Algebra
275 (2004), no. 1, 212--232. Published
Dedicated to
Professor Claus Michael Ringel on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
2. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Hua-Lin Huang, Pu Zhang, Dual Gabriel Theorem with applications,
Science in
Also see: Science in
3. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Toukaiddine Petit, Fred Van Oystaeyen, Note on the Cohomology of Color Hopf and
Lie Algebras,
Journal of Algebra
299 (2006), 419-442.
Published PDF
4. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Hua-Lin Huang, Yan-Hua Wang, A note on
“Modules, comodules and cotensor products over
Frobenius algebras”,
Chinese Annals of
Mathematics, Series B 27 (4) (2006), 419-424. Publishedd PDF
5. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Sergei D. Silvestrov, Fred Van Oystaeyen, Representations and Cocycle Twists of
Color Lie Algebras,
Algebras and Representation
Theory, Vol.9, No.6 (2006), 633-650.
Published PDF
6. Yu Du, Xiao-Wu
Chen, Yu Ye, On Graded Bialgebra Deformations,
Algebra Colloquium,
(2007), 301-312.
Published PDF
7. Xiao-Wu Chen, Duality between quantum symmetric algebras,
Letters in Mathematics Physics, Vol.90, No.1 (2007), 39-50. Published PDF
8. Jue Le and
Xiao-Wu Chen, Karoubianness of a triangulated category,
Journal of
Algebra, 310 (2007), 452-457. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Yingbo Zhang on the occasion of her sixtieth birthday
9.Yan-Hua Wang,
Xiao-Wu Chen, Construct non-graded bi-Frobenius algebras via quivers,
Science in
Also see: Science in
10. Xiao-Wu Chen, Pu Zhang, Quotient triangulated categories,
Manuscripta Mathematica, 123
(2007), 167-183.
Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Zhexian Wan on the occasion of his eightieth birthday
11. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Pu Zhang, Comodules of U_q(sl_2) and modules of SL_q(2) via quiver methods,
Journal of Pure
and Applied Algebra, 211(3) (2007), 862-876. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Freddy Van Oystaeyen on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
The paper is
ranked no.
12. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Yu Ye, Pu Zhang, Algebras of derived dimension zero,
Communications in
Algebra, 36 (1) (2008), 1-10.
Published PDF
13. Xiao-Wu Chen,
An Auslander-type result for Gorenstein-projective modules,
Advances in
Mathematics, 218 (2008), 2043-2050. Published PDF
The paper is
ranked no.
14. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Singularity categories, Schur functors and triangular matrix rings,
Algebras and
Representation Theory, 12 (2009), 181-191. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Freddy Van Oystaeyen on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
15. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Extensions of covariantly finite subcategories
Archiv der
Mathematik, 93 (2009), 29-35.
Published PDF
16. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Graded self-injective algebras “are” trivial extensions,
Journal of
Algebra, 322 (2009), 2601-2606.
Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Helmut Lenzing on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
The paper is
ranked no.
17. Xiao-Wu Chen,
A short proof of HRS-tilting,
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 138(2) (2010), 455-459. Published PDF
18. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Srikanth Iyengar, Support and injective resolutions of complexes over
commutative rings,
Homology, Homotopy
and Applications, 12(1) (2010), 39-44. Published PDF
19. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Homotopy equivalences induced by balanced pairs,
Journal of
Algebra, 324 (2010), 2718-2731. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Claus Michael Ringel on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
The paper is
ranked no.
20. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Unifying two results of Orlov on singularity categories,
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitaet Hamburg, 80
(2010), 207-212. Published PDF
21. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Generalized Serre duality,
Journal of
Algebra, 328 (2011), 268-286.
Published PDF
The paper is
ranked no.
22. Xiao-Wu Chen,
The stable monomorphism category of a Frobenius category,
Research Letters, 18 (01) (2011), 125-137. Published PDF
23. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Relative singularity categories and Gorenstein-projective modules,
Nachrichten, 284 (No. 2-3) (2011), 199-212. Published PDF
24. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Henning Krause, Expansions of abelian categories,
Journal of Pure
and Applied Algebra, 215 (2011), 2873-2883. Published PDF
The paper is
ranked no.
25. Xiao-Wu Chen,
The singularity category of an algebra with radical square zero,
Mathematica, 16 (2011), 921-936.
Published PDF
26. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Algebras with radical square zero are either self-injective or CM-free,
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 140(1) (2012), 93-98. Published PDF
27. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Three results on Frobenius categories,
Zeitschrift, 270 (2012), 43-58. Published PDF
28. Xiao-Wu Chen,
A recollement of vector bundles,
Bulletin of the
29. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Totally reflexive extensions and modules,
Journal of
Algebra, 379 (2013), 322-332.
Published PDF
The paper is
ranked no.
30. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Yu Ye, Retractions and Gorenstein homological properties,
Algebras and
Representation Theory, (2014) 17: 713-733.
Published PDF
31. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Singular equivalences induced by homological epimorphisms,
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 142(8) (2014). 2633-2640. Published PDF
32. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Irreducible representations of Leavitt path algebras,
Mathematicum, 27 (2015), 549-574.
Published PDF
33. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Jue Le, A note on morphisms determined by objects,
Journal of
Algebra, 428 (2015), 138-148.
Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Claus Michael Ringel on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
34. Xiao-Wu Chen,
A note on separable functors and monads with an application to equivariant
derived categories,
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitaet Hamburg, 85
(1) (2015), 43-52. Published PDF
35. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Dong Yang, Homotopy categories, Leavitt path algebras and Gorenstein projective
Mathematics Research Notices, 10 (2015), 2597-2633. Published PDF
This paper is
listed in No. 19 the Most-Read Articles of IMRN,
June 2015.
36. Xiao-Wu Chen,
A note on the singularity category of an endomorphism ring,
Arkiv foer
Matematik, 53 (2015), 237-248. Published PDF
37. Jianmin Chen,
Xiao-Wu Chen, Zhenqiang Zhou, Monadicity theorem and weighted projective lines
of tubular type,
Mathematics Research Notices, 24 (2015), 13324-13359. Published PDF
This paper is
listed in No. 39 the Most-Read Articles of IMRN,
April 2015.
38. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Singular equivalences of trivial extensions,
Communications in
Algebra, 44 (5) (2016), 1961-1970.
Published PDF
39. Xiao-Wu Chen,
A note on standard equivalences,
Bulletin of the
40. Jianmin Chen,
Xiao-Wu Chen, Weighted projective lines of tubular type and equivariantization,
Journal of
Algebra, 470 (2017), 77-90.
Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Yingbo Zhang on the occasion of her seventieth birthday
41. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Equivariantization and Serre duality I,
Categorical Structures, 25 (4) (2017), 539-568. Published PDF
42. Xiao-Wu Chen, The
Auslander bijections and universal extensions,
Arkiv foer
Matematik, 55 (2017), 41-59. Published PDF
43. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Yu Ye, The D-standard and K-standard categories,
Advances in
Mathematics, 333 (2018), 159-193. Published PDF
44. Xiao-Wu Chen,
The singularity category of a quadratic monomial algebra,
The Quarterly
Journal of Mathematics, 69 (2018), 1015-1033. Published PDF
In the memory of
Professor Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
45. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Dawei Shen, Guodong Zhou, The Gorenstein-projective modules over a monomial
Proceedings of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 148A (2018), 1115-1134. Published PDF
46. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Standard derived equivalences and D-standard abelian categories (in Chinese),
Scientia Sinica
Mathematica, 48 (2018), 1527-1534. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Shaoxue Liu on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday
47. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Claus Michael Ringel, Hereditary triangulated categories,
Journal of
Noncommutative Geometry, 12 (2018), 1425-1444. Published PDF
48. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Chao Zhang, The derived-discrete algebras and standard equivalences,
Journal of
Algebra, 525 (2019), 259-283.
Published PDF
49. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhe Han, Yu Zhou, Derived equivalences via HRS-tilting,
Advances in
Mathematics, 354 (2019), 106749, 26pp. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Helmut Lenzing on the occasion of his eightieth birthday
50. Xiaofa Chen,
Xiao-Wu Chen, The lower extension groups and quotient categories,
Comptes Rendus
Mathematique, 357(11-12) (2019), 832-840. Published PDF
51. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Ren Wang, The finite EI categories of Cartan type,
Journal of
Algebra, 546 (2020), 62-84. Published PDF
52. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Ming Lu, Gorenstein homological properties of tensor rings,
Mathematical Journal, 237 (2020), 188-208. Published PDF
53 Xiaofa Chen,
Xiao-Wu Chen, Liftable derived equivalences and objective categories,
Bulletin of the
London Mathematical Society, 52 (2020), 816-834. Published PDF
54. Jianmin Chen,
Xiao-Wu Chen, Shiquan Ruan, The dual actions, equivariant autoequivalences and
stable tilting objects,
Annales de
l’Institut Fourier, Tome 70 no. 6 (2020), 2677-2736. Published PDF
55. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Representability and autoequivalence groups,
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 171 (2021), 657-668. Published PDF
56. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Jue Le, Recollements, comma categories and morphic enhancements,
Proceedings of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 152 (3) (2022),
567-591. Published PDF
57. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Wei Ren, Frobenius functors and Gorenstein homological properties,
Journal of
Algebra, 610 (2022), 18-37. Published PDF
Dedicated to Professor
Henning Krause on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
58. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Jian Liu, Ren Wang, Singular equivalences induced by bimodules and quadratic
monomial algebras,
Algebras and
Representation Theory, 26 (2023), 609-630. Published PDF
Dedicated to
Professor Pu Zhang on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
59. Xiao-Wu Chen, Zengqiang
Lin, Yu Zhou, The extensions of t-structures,
Arkiv foer
Matematik, 61 (2023), 323-342. Published PDF
In memory of
Professor Helmut Lenzing
60. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhengfang Wang, The dg Leavitt algebras, singular Yoneda category and
singularity category,
with an appendix
by Bernhard Keller and Yu Wang,
Advances in
Mathematics, 440 (2024), 109541, 70pp. Published PDF
61. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Srikanth Iyengar, Rene Marczinzik, Homological dimensions of the Jacobson
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, Series B, 11 (2024), 211-223. Published PDF
62. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhi-Wei Li, Xiaojin Zhang, Zhibing Zhao, A non-vanishing result on the
singularity category,
Proceedings of the
American Mathematical Society, 152 (9) (2024), 3765-3776. Published PDF
63. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhengfang Wang, The singular Yoneda category and the stabilization functor,
Zeitschrift, (2024) 308:21, 30pp. Published PDF
64. Xiao-Wu Chen, Huanhuan
Li, and Zhengfang Wang, Leavitt path algebras, B_\infty-algebras and Keller’s
conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology,
Memoirs of the
American Mathematical Society, accepted.
65. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhengfang Wang, Differential graded enhancements of singularity categories,
Proceedings of
ICRA 2022, accepted.
66. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Ren Wang, Skew group categories, algebras associated to Cartan matrices and
folding of root lattices,
Proceedings of the
Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, accepted.
67. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Jue Le, Deriving Milnor’s theorem on pullback rings, preprint.
68. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Pre-weight structures, pseudo-identities and canonical derived equivalences,
69. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Module factorizations and Gorenstein projective modules, preprint.
70. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhi-Wei Li, Xiaojin Zhang, Zhibing Zhao, The Grothendieck group of a
triangulated category, preprint.
71. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Ren Wang, Preprojective algebras, skew group algebras and Morita equivalences,
72. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Zhi-Wei Li, Xiaojin Zhang, Zhibing Zhao, Comparing tau-tilting modules and
1-tilting modules, preprint.
1. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Noncommutative Gorenstein projective schemes and Gorenstein-injective sheaves,
2. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Sefi Ladkani, The F-inflation category and its stable category, unpublished.
3. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Longgang Sun, Singular equivalences of Morita type, unpublished.
4. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Huanhuan Li, Zhengfang Wang, An explicit projective bimodule resolution of a
Leavitt path algebra, unpublished
5. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Jiaqun Wei, Wakamatsu's equivalence revisited, preprint.
Lecture Notes:
I. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Henning Krause, Introduction to coherent
sheaves on weighted projective lines, lecture notes.
(It contains the paper [24, JPAA 2011].)
2. Xiaofa Chen, Xiao-Wu
Chen, An informal introduction to dg categories, lecture notes.
3. Xiao-Wu Chen,
An introduction to model categories with examples, lecture notes.
Algebras and Frobenius Extensions, USTC undergraduate thesis (in Chinese),
Relative Singularity Categories and Generalized Serre
Duality, USTC Ph. D thesis (in Chinese), 2007.
(It contains the papers [21, J. Algebra 2011] and [23,
Math. Nachr. 2011]; also [8, J. Algebra 2007].)
Gorenstein Homological Algebra
of Artin Algebras, Postdoctoral Report, USTC, 2010.
(It contains the paper [25, Proc. AMS 2012].)
Other Papers:
1. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Representations and cocycle twists of color Lie algebras
(An extended abstract, in Chinese and
English, on joint work with Sergei Silvestrov and Fred Van Oysteayen),
2005 Doctoral Forum of
2. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Pu Zhang, Gorenstein symmetry conjecture (in Chinese),
in: 10000 Selected
Problems in Science, Mathematics,
Science in China,
2009, 43-44. Published PDF
3. Xiao-Wu Chen,
Notes from a problem session on support varieties,
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 10/2009,
Support Varieties 564-567. Published PDF
4. Xiao-Wu Chen
(joint with Dong Yang), The derived category of a Leavitt path algebra,
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 26/2013,
Localising and Tilting in Categories, 1551-1552. Published PDF
5. Xiao-Wu Chen
(joint with Zhe Han, Yu Zhou), Derived equivalences via HRS-tilting,
Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfch Report No. 3/2020,
Workshop: Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras, 38-40. Published PDF
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