Online Work Discussion
Haiyang Liu, Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Bojun Tao,
Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jiyu Cheng, Zelin Xu, Jie Song
Annual Work Report:
Haiyang Liu, Xinkai Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Bojun Tao,
Jiyu Cheng, Zelin Xu, Jie Song, Chengkai Wang, Weiyu Ding
Annual Work Report:
Qifeng Huang, Tie Li, Yibin Luo,
Yuzhu Sun, Guangwen Chen, Fujia Li
Paper Report: Zheyu Lin
Search of Intermediate Mass Black Holes at Low Redshift with Intra-night Variability
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Guangwen Chen)
Guangwen Chen: No need for dark matter: resolved kinematics of the ultra-diffuse galaxy AGC 114905
Guangwen Chen: The galaxy-halo size relation of low-mass galaxies in FIRE
Yao Yao: How D-type HII region expansion depends on numerical resolution
Paper Report: Lijun Chen
The In-situ Origins of Dwarf Stellar Outskirts in FIRE-2
Zheyu Lin: Revisiting the Rates and Demographics of Tidal Disruption Events: Effects of the Disk Formation Efficiency
Haiyang Liu: The Metallicity measurement of Early-type Galaxies
Xinkai Chen: WALLABY Pilot Survey: HI gas disc truncation and star formation of galaxies falling into the Hydra I cluster
Paper Report: Yao Yao
AstroSat detection of Lyman continuum emission from a z = 1.42 galaxy
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yibin Luo, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng, Zelin Xu, Weiyu Ding)
Haiyang Liu: Morphological Transformation and Star Formation Quenching of Massive Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2.5 in 3D-HST/CANDELS
Yibin Luo: Multi-Wavelength Study of a Proto-BCG at z = 1.7
Guangwen Chen: Sizes of Lensed Lower-luminosity z=4-8 Galaxies from the Hubble Frontier Field Program
Paper Report: Haiyang Liu
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the drivers of gas and stellar metallicity differences in galaxies
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Jie Song, Guangwen Chen)
Yue Huang: RR Lyrae Stars In Stellar Streams with Gaia: The Escapers
Zesen Lin: Evidence for the connection between star formation rate and evolutionary phases of quasars
Yao Yao: RELICS: Small Lensed z>5.5 Galaxies Selected as Potential Lyman Continuum Leakers
Songli Huang: Transforming gas-rich low-mass disky galaxies into ultra-diffuse galaxies by ram pressure
Bojun Tao: Reaching for the Edge I: Probing the Outskirts of Massive Galaxies with HSC, DECaLS, SDSS, and Dragonfly
Paper Report: Yibin Luo
ALMA reveals large overdensity and strong clustering of galaxies in quasar environments at z~4
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Jie Song)
Zongfei Lv: Geometry effects on dust attenuation curves with different grain sources at high redshift
Fujia Li: Environmental dependence of gas properties in a protocluster at z~2.5
Lijun Chen: The shapes of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Paper Report: Guangwen Chen
The Andromeda galaxy's most important merger about 2 billion years ago as M32's likely progenitor
Work Discussion (Yao Yao, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng, Zelin Xu, Guangwen Chen)
Xinkai Chen: Evidence for mixing between ICM and stripped ISM by the analysis of the gas metallicity in the tails of jellyfish galaxies
Lijun Chen: On the Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the Orbital Poles of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song, Weiyu Ding)
Xinkai Chen: VERTICO: The Virgo Environment Traced In CO Survey
Yao Yao: Dancing in the void: hydrodynamical N-body simulations of the extremely metal poor galaxy DDO 68
Guangwen Chen: Subaru/FOCAS IFU revealed the metallicity gradient of a local extremely metal-poor galaxy
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng)
Guangwen Chen: Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies in Filamentary Structures around the Virgo Cluster: Probing Chemical Pre-processing in Filament Environments
Zesen Lin: A relic from a past merger event in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song, Weiyu Ding)
Zesen Lin: The Two-Dimensional Metallicity Distribution and Mixing Scales of Nearby Galaxies
Lijun Chen: The Intrinsic Shape of Galaxies in SDSS/Galaxy Zoo
Bojuun Tao: A Method To Characterize the Wide-Angle Point Spread Function of Astronomical Images
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng)
Xinkai Chen: Conversions between gas-phase metallicities in MaNGA
Haiyang Liu: Subaru/FOCAS IFU revealed the metallicity gradient of a local extremely metal-poor galaxy
Lijun Chen: The Effect of Dark Matter Halo Shape on Bar Buckling and Boxy/Peanut Bulges
Yao Yao's Teaching Report Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song, Weiyu Ding)
Zheyu Lin: Mass, Spin, and Ultralight Boson Constraints from the Intermediate Mass Black Hole in the Tidal Disruption Event 3XMM J215022.4-055108
Xinkai Chen: Conversions between gas-phase metallicities in MaNGA
Yibin Luo: Radio emission from dust-obscured galaxies
Work Discussion (Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng)
Fujia Li: The ALFALFA Almost-Dark Galaxy AGC~229101: A Two Billion Solar Mass HI Cloud with a Very Low Surface Brightness Optical Counterpart
Fujia Li: Discovery of Extra-Planar HI Clouds and a HI Tail in the M101 Galaxy Group with FAST
Guangwen Chen: Quenching of star formation from a lack of inflowing gas to galaxies
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song, Weiyu Ding)
Bojun Tao: A shallow dark matter halo in Ultra Diffuse Galaxy AGC 242019: are UDGs structurally similar to low surface brightness galaxies?
Zesen Lin: A universal relationship between stellar masses and binding energies of galaxies
Fujia Li: MIGHTEE-HI: The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation over the last billion years
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Jiyu Cheng)
2021 Fall Semester
Zheyu Lin: A detailed spectroscopic study of Tidal Disruption Events
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Fujia Li, Jie Song, Weiyu Ding)
Qianhui Chen: Galaxy Zoo: Stronger bars facilitate quenching in star forming galaxies
Zesen Lin: The nucleation fraction of Local Volume galaxies
Bojun Tao: EDGE: The sensitivity of ultra-faint dwarfs to a metallicity-dependent initial mass function
Work Discussion (Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Yibin Luo, Qianhui Chen)
Lijun Chen: Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the input catalogue and star-galaxy separation
Zheyu Lin: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): The first archetypal Quasar in the feedback phase discovered by eROSITA
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Zheyu Lin, Bojun Tao, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song)
Lijun Chen: A study of outer disk stellar populations of face-on
star-forming galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA: causes of Ha
Fujia Li: MIGHTEE-HI: Discovery of an HI-rich galaxy group at z = 0.044 with MeerKAT
Qianhui Chen: The LEGA-C and SAMI Galaxy Surveys: Quiescent Stellar Populations and the Mass-Size Plane across 6 Gyr
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Qianhui Chen)
Yao Yao: The OTELO survey: the star formation rate evolution of low-mass galaxies
Guangwen Chen: A massive quiescent galaxy confirmed in a protocluster at z = 3.09
Zesen Lin: NOEMA Observations of CO Emission in Arp 142 and Arp 238
Zesen Lin: Anisotropic satellite galaxy quenching modulated by black hole activity (Nature)
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Xinkai Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin)
Xinkai Chen: The Atomic Gas Mass of Green Pea Galaxies An Empirical Calibration of the Helium Abundance in HII Regions based in Literature and CALIFA Survey data
Yao Yao: Origin of stellar prolate rotation in a cosmologically simulated faint dwarf galaxy
Work Discussion (Guangwen Chen, Bojun Tao, Yimeng Tang, Jie Song)
Guangwen Chen: Star Formation and Quenching of Central Galaxies from Stacked HI Measurements
Zhixiong Liang: The Bluedisk survey: thickness of HI layers in gas rich spiral galaxies
Lijun Chen: The Intrinsic Shapes of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: a Discriminant of LSBG Formation Mechanisms
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin, Yibin Luo, Weiyu Ding)
Haiyang Liu: Elemental Abundances and Ages of z ~ 0.7 Quiescent Galaxies on the Mass-Size Plane: Implication for Chemical Enrichment and Star-Formation Quenching
Yao Yao: Peculiarities of the chemical abundance distribution in galaxies NGC 3963 and NGC 7292
Yimeng Tang: The impact of low luminosity AGN on their host galaxies: A radio and optical investigation of the kpc-scale outflow in MaNGA 1-166919
Graduation Presentation (Pre): (Yimeng Tang, Qianhui Chen, Jie Song)
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Fujia Li, Bojun Tao)
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin)
BIGS Introduction (Qianhui Chen)
Zesen Lin: A hidden population of high-redshift double quasars unveiled by astrometry (Nature Astronomy)
Haiyang Liu: Stellar, Gas, and Dust Emission of Star Forming Galaxies out to z~2
Fujia Li: MeerKAT-64 discovers wide-spread tidal debris in the nearby NGC 7232 galaxy group
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Fujia Li, Bojun Tao, Yimeng Tang, Jie Song)
Zhixiong Liang: From starburst to quiescence: post-starburst galaxies and their large-scale clustering over cosmic time (Highlighted by Nature Astronomy)
The Structural Evolution of Isolated Galaxies at Low Redshift in the IllustrisTNG Simulation
Bojun Tao: A Deep Census of Outlying Star Formation in the M101 Group
Qianhui Chen: Quenching, Mergers and Age Profiles for z=2 Galaxies in IllustrisTNG
Location (Meeting Room 1001)
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin, Yibin Luo, Qianhui Chen)
Fujia Li: What determines the HI gas content in galaxies?: morphological dependence of the HI gas fraction across M*-SFR plane
Zheyu Lin: Tidal Disruption Events (Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Xinkai Chen: On the relationship between gas content, star-formation, and global HI asymmetry of galaxies on the star-forming main-sequence
Chao Yang: Ethynyl around the HII regions S255 and S257
Yao Yao: Radio Recombination Line Observations at 1.0-1.5 GHz with FAST
Haiyang Liu: From haloes to galaxies. III. The gas cycle of local galaxy populations
Work Discussion (Qifeng Huang, Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Yibin Luo, Yimeng Tang)
Wenhe Lv: Nuclear star clusters (A&AR)
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Fujia Li, Bojun Tao, Qianhui Chen, Jie Song)
Yuanyu Hong: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Observations of He II Emission in I Zw 18
Guangwen Chen: Low-mass compact elliptical galaxies: spatially-resolved stellar populations and kinematics with the Keck Cosmic Web Imager
Zesen Lin: The Single-Cloud Star Formation Relation
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Zheyu Lin, Yibin Luo)
Yanpeng Chen: An investigation of open cluster Melotte 72 using Gaia DR2
Yibin Luo: Implications of the Environments of Radio-detected AGN in a Complex Proto-structure at z~3.3
Qianhui Chen: Globular Cluster Systems of Massive Compact Elliptical Galaxies in the Local Universe: Evidence for Relic Red Nuggets?
Qianhui Chen: A candidate Optically Quiescent Quasar lacking narrow emission lines
Zesen Lin: Searching for local counterparts of high-redshift post-starburst galaxies in integral field unit spectroscopic surveys of nearby galaxies
Bojun Tao: Searching for chemical abundance variations in young star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds: NGC 411, NGC 1718 and NGC 2213
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin, Qianhui Chen)
Zheyu Lin: A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino
Bojun Tao: Do ultra compact dwarf galaxies form monolithically or as merged star cluster complexes?
Fujia Li: The Luminosity Function of bright QSOs at z~4 and implications for the cosmic ionizing background
Qianhui Chen: On the origin of surprisingly cold gas discs in galaxies at high redshift
Work Discussion (Bojun Tao, Guangwen Chen, Fujia Li)
Yimeng Tang: Clumpy Star Formation and AGN Activity in Dwarf-Dwarf Galaxy Merger Mrk 709
Zheyu Lin: The Effect of Impact Parameter on Tidal Disruption Events
Work Discussion (Yao Yao, Bojun Tao, Guangwen Chen, etc.)
Yao Yao: Formation of an extended stellar halo around an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy following one of the earliest mergers from galactic building blocks
Lijun Chen: The less and the more IGM transmitted galaxies from z~2.7 to z~6 from VANDELS and VUDS
Work Discussion (Guangwen Chen, Zheyu Lin, Haiyang Liu, Xinkai Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen)
2021 Spring Semester
Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: SDSS-IV/MaNGA: Can impulsive gaseous inflows explain steep oxygen abundance profiles & anomalously-low-metallicity regions?
Xinkai Chen: Two types of distribution of the gas velocity dispersion of MaNGA galaxies
Work Discussion & Annual Summary
Work Discussion
Fujia Li: MIGHTEE-HI: The HI emission project of the MeerKAT MIGHTEE survey
Guangwen Chen: Bulge and disk colors in the cluster core and outskirts
Work Discussion
Zesen Lin: Revisiting the Integrated Star Formation Law. II. Starbursts and the Combined Global Schmidt Law
Haiyang Liu: SDSS-IV MaNGA: galaxy gas-phase metallicity gradients vary across the mass-size plane
Guangzhi He: Nonparametric galaxy morphology from UV to submm wavelengths
Work Discussion
Yibin Luo: Faint Quasars Live in the Same Number Density Environments as Lyman Break Galaxies at z ~ 4
Yu Siyue's Presentation (PKU/KIAA)
Brief Work Discussion
Guangzhi He: Nonparametric galaxy morphology from UV to submm wavelengths
Work Discussion
Qianhui Chen: Young stellar population gradients in central cluster galaxies from NUV and optical spectroscopy
Yimeng Tang: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Refining Strong Line Diagnostic Classifications Using Spatially Resolved Gas Dynamics
Bojun Tao: Linking globular cluster structural parameters and their evolution: multiple stellar populations
Jie Song's presentation (Intro to Size Measurement)
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: Rise and fall of post-starburst galaxies in Magneticum Pathfinder
Zheyu Lin: Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). III. The First Radio-discovered Tidal Disruption Event, CNSS J0019+00
Work Discussion
Yulong Gao: MAGNUM survey: compact jets causing large turmoil in galaxies -- Enhanced line widths perpendicular to radio jets as tracers of jet-ISM interaction
Lijun Chen: Extremely Low Molecular Gas Content in the Vicinity of a Red Nugget Galaxy at z=1.91
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: The Sami Galaxy Survey: stellar populations of passive spiral galaxies in different environment
Yao Yao: A study of the HI gas fractions of galaxies at z ~ 1
Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: A disk-dominated and clumpy circumgalactic medium of the Milky Way seen in X-ray emission
Haiyang Liu: SDSS-IV MaNGA: When is morphology imprinted on galaxies?
Work Discussion
Zesen Lin: Dependence of the IRX-beta dust attenuation relation on metallicity and environment
Qianhui Chen: Arm-interarm gas abundance variations explored with MUSE: the role of spiral structure in the chemical enrichment of galaxies
Work Discussion
Zheyu Lin: Forward Modeling Populations of Flares from Tidal Disruptions of Stars by Super-massive Black Holes
Yimeng Tang: Realistic mock observations of the sizes and stellar mass surface densities of massive galaxies in FIRE-2 zoom-in simulations
Yulong Gao's Presentation Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: The link between bars and the early cessation of star formation in spiral galaxies
Lijun Chen: Ram pressure stripping of HI-rich galaxies infalling into massive clusters
Xinkai Chen's Teaching Report
&& Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: The AGN contribution to the UV-FIR luminosities of interacting galaxies and its role in identifying the Main Sequence
Guangwen Chen: Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) Spectra of Globular Clusters and Ultra Compact Dwarfs in the Halo of M87
Work Discussion
2020 Fall Semester
Zesen Lin: A dynamically cold disk galaxy in the early Universe
Haiyang Liu: Totally Metal: A Relationship Between Stellar
Metallicity Gradients and Galaxy Age in Dwarf Galaxies
Yao Yao: AGN and Dwarf Galaxy Gas Kinematics
Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: Compact elliptical galaxies in different local environments: a mixture of galaxies with different origins?
Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: Inverse stellar population age gradients of post-starburst galaxies at z=0.8 with LEGA-C
Lijun Chen: The Milky Way's bulge star formation history as constrained from its bimodal chemical abundance distribution
Work Discussion
Lijun Chen: A Study on the Chemical Properties of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
Work Discussion
Work Discussion
Yulong Gao: Extremely Metal-Poor Representatives Explored by the Subaru Survey (EMPRESS). I. A Successful Machine Learning Selection of Metal-Poor Galaxies and the Discovery of a Galaxy with M*<10^6 M_sun and 0.016 Z_sun
Guangwen Chen: Nonparametric galaxy morphology from UV to submm wavelengths
Work Discussion (Offline and Online)
2020.02.26 - 06.24
Work Discussion (Online, every wednesday evening)
Work Discussion (Online)
2020 Spring Semester
Work Discussion
Haiyang Liu: Star formation in galaxies at z~4-5 from the SMUVS survey: a clear starburst/main-sequence bimodality for Halpha emitters on the SFR-M* plane
Chi Huang: Effects of Stellar Feedback on Stellar and Gas Kinematics of Star-Forming Galaxies at 0.6
Yao Yao: Star-forming Clumps in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Paper Report: Zhixiong Liang
Galaxies hosting an AGN: a view from the MaNGA
The first 62 AGN observed with SDSS-IV MaNGA - I: their characterization and definition of a control sample
II: resolved stellar populations
III: stellar and gas kinematics
IV: gas excitation and star-formation rate distributions
Topic: Nuclear Activity in Galaxies
Xinkai Chen: Ionised gas outflow signatures in SDSS-IV MaNGA active galactic nuclei
Guangwen Chen: AGN fueling and feedback, from pc to kpc scale
Zhixiong Liang: Do AGN really suppress star formation?
Work Discussion
Annual Review Paper report: Modeling the Panchromatic Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies
Paper report: Xinkai Chen
Fast and inefficient star formation due to short-lived molecular clouds and rapid feedback
Haiyang Liu: The ALMaQUEST Survey: III. Scatter in the resolved star forming main sequence is primarily due to variations in star formation efficiency
Xinkai Chen: The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z~2
Yao Yao: Pilot HI Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps with FAST
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: Rejuvenated galaxies with very old bulges at the origin of the bending of the main sequence and of the "green valley"
Wenjun Chang: Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies around M101 and NGC 5485
Annual Review Paper report
Understanding Galaxy Evolution Through Emission Lines
Guangwen Chen: ch01
Yao Yao: ch02, ch03
Chi Huang: ch04
Zhixiong Liang: ch05, 06, 07
Work Discussion
Haiyang Liu: Exploring a new definition of the green valley and its implications
Xiangli Song: The Distribution of Ultra-Diffuse and Ultra-Compact Galaxies in the Frontier Fields
Qianhui Chen: Spectral variations of Lyman-alpha emission within strongly lensed sources observed with MUSE
Paper report: Yao Yao
A Characteristic Mass Scale in the Mass-Metallicity Relation of Galaxies
Zhixiong Liang: Dirt-cheap Gas Scaling Relations: Using Dust Absorption, Metallicity and Galaxy Size to Predict Gas Masses for Large Samples of Galaxies
Chi Huang: The MOSDEF Survey: [SIII] as a New Probe of Evolving ISM Conditions
Yimeng Tang: Weak Evolution of the Mass-metallicity Relation at Cosmic Dawn in the FirstLight Simulations
Graduation Presentation (Pre): Berzaf
Dust Attenuation and Metallicity for Star-Forming Galaxies in MaNGA Survey
Chi Huang: The Relationship Between Galaxy ISM and Circumgalactic Gas Metallicities
Yao Yao: Evolution of the Stellar Mass-Metallicity Relation. II. Constraints on Galactic Outflows from the Mg Abundances of Quiescent Galaxies
Xiangli Song: The Stellar Population of Metal-Poor Galaxies at z ~ 0.8 and the Evolution of the Mass-Metallicity Relation
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: The Mass-Metallicity and the Fundamental Metallicity Relation revisited on a fully Te-based abundance scale for galaxies
Work Report: Zesen Lin
The Age-Dependence of Mid-Infrared Emission
Topic: Spatial/IFU study
Haiyang Liu: SDSS IV MaNGA - sSFR profiles and the slow quenching of discs in green valley galaxies
Guangwen Chen: The CALIFA view on stellar angular momentum across the Hubble sequence
Wenjun Chang: The Effect of Bulge Mass on Bar Pattern Speed in Disk Galaxies
Paper report: Guangwen Chen
SDSS-IV MaNGA: the spatial distribution of star formation and its dependence on mass, structure, and environment
Topic: star formation/quenching \& connection on galaxy properties
Zhixiong Liang: Spatially resolved signature of quenching in star-forming galaxies
Yao Yao: The ALMaQUEST Survey: The molecular gas main sequence and the origin of the star forming main sequence
Qianhui Chen: What shapes a galaxy? - unraveling the role of mass, environment, and star formation in forming galactic structure
Work Discussion
Topic: inflow, outflow
Haiyang Liu: High-resolution three-dimensional simulations of gas removal from ultrafaint dwarf galaxies. I. Stellar feedback
Xinkai Chen: SDSS IV MaNGA -- Star-Formation Driven Biconical Outflows in the Local Univers
Yimeng Tang: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Evidence for enriched accretion onto satellite galaxies in dense environments
Work report
Xiangli Song: ISM
Wenjun Chang: Gas
Topic: eRosita (Science)
Zhixiong Liang: eROSITA Science Book: Mapping the Structure of the Energetic Universe (5.1 Clusters of galaxies and cosmology)
Yao Yao: eROSITA Science Book: Mapping the Structure of the Energetic Universe (5.2 Active Galactic Nuclei and normal galaxies)
Guangwen Chen: Stellar mass - halo mass relation for the brightest central galaxies of X-ray clusters since z ~ 0.65
Paper report: Haiyang Liu
Compact Star-Forming Galaxies as Old Starbursts Becoming Quiescent
Xinkai Chen: Post-Starburst Galaxies in SDSS-IV MaNGA
Guangwen Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Environmental dependence of gas metallicity gradients in local star-forming galaxies
Chi Huang: Prospects for extending the Mass-Metallicity Relation to low mass at high redshift: a case study at z~1
Work Discussion
2019 Fall Semester
Berzaf: Kinematic signatures of cluster formation from cool collapse in the Lagoon Nebula cluster NGC 6530
Zhixiong Liang: Origin of the galaxy HI size-mass relation
Haiyang Liu: Effect of galaxy mergers on star formation rates
Paper report: Chi Huang
The Detection of [O III]4363 in a Lensed, Dwarf Galaxy at z=2.59: Testing Metallicity Indicators and Scaling Relations at High Redshift and Low Mass
Xinkai Chen: Structural and Stellar Population Properties vs. Bulge Types in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Central Galaxies
Guangwen Chen: What Determines the Sizes of Bars in Spiral Galaxies?
Yao Yao: HII versus HI in the `green valley' galaxies: direct comparison
Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: Resolved and Integrated Stellar Masses in the SDSS-IV/MaNGA Survey, Paper II: Applications of PCA-based stellar mass estimates
Guangwen Chen: Time-slicing spiral galaxies with SDSS-IV MaNGA
Chi Huang: Co-evolution of Nuclear Rings, Bars and the Central Intensity Ratio of their Host Galaxies
Work Discussion
Berzaf: Diffuse ionized gas and its effects on nebular metallicity estimates of star-forming galaxies
Chi Huang: Recalibration of [OII] L3727 as a Star Formation Rate Estimator for Active and Inactive Galaxies
Xinkai Chen: Significance of bar quenching in the global quenching of star formation
Zhixiong Liang: Stellar and Dust Properties of a Complete Sample of Massive Dusty Galaxies at 1 < z < 4 from MAGPHYS Modeling of UltraVISTA DR3 and Herschel Photometry
Work Discussion
Yao Yao: Stellar Metallicities and Elemental Abundance Ratios of z~1.4 Massive Quiescent Galaxies
Chi Huang: Metallicity gradients in small and nearby spiral galaxies
Xinkai Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Spatial Evolution of Star Formation Triggered by Galaxy Interactions
Zhixiong Liang: Concordance Cosmology?
Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: Beyond UVJ: More Efficient Selection of Quiescent Galaxies With UV / Mid-IR Fluxes
Berzaf: Exploring a new definition of the green valley and its implications
Chi Huang: Star formation in low-redshift cluster dwarf galaxies
Paper Report: Zhixiong Liang
The MOSDEF Survey: Direct-Method Metallicities and ISM Conditions at z~1.5-3.5
Yao Yao: Quiescent galaxies at z>2.5: observations vs. models
Xinkai Chen: The environment of HI-bearing ultra diffuse galaxies in the ALFALFA survey
Guangwen Chen: Star-formation in CALIFA early-type galaxies. A matter of discs
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: Observational evidence for bar formation in disk galaxies via cluster-cluster interaction
Zuyi Chen: An ALMA multi-line survey of the interstellar medium of the redshift 7.5 quasar host galaxy J1342+0928
Guangwen Chen: Stellar populations of nine passive spiral galaxies from the CALIFA survey: are they progenitors of S0s?
Paper Report: Xinkai Chen
The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS) IV. The role of the cluster environment on galaxy evolution
Zhixiong Liang: A 10,000-solar-mass black hole in the nucleus of a bulgeless dwarf galaxy
Zhiyuan Song: Testing Star Formation Laws on Sspatially Resolved Regions in a z ~ 4.3 Starburst Galaxy
Berzaf: Signatures of stellar accretion in MaNGA early-type galaxies
Work Discussion
Wenjun Chang: The Molecular Gas Reservoirs of z~2 Galaxies: A comparison of CO(1-0) and dust-based molecular gas masses
Xiangli Song: The morphological transformation and the quenching of galaxies
Yuheng Zhang: Detection of the self-regulation of star formation in galaxy discs
Paper Report: Guangwen Chen
Two Growing Modes and the Morphology-Quiescence Relation in Isolated Galaxies
Zuyi Chen: GASP XVIII: Star formation quenching due to AGN feedback in the central region of a jellyfish galaxy
Yan Guo: The Globular Cluster Origin of the Milky Way Outer Bulge: Evidence from Sodium Bimodality
Guangwen Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Stellar Population Gradients Within Barred Galaxies
Graduation Presentation (Pre):
Mei Feng, Zuyi Chen, Zhiyuan Song, Yao Yao
Zuyi Chen:
Zhiyuan Song:
Yao Yao:
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: Half-mass radii for ~7,000 galaxies at 1.0 < z < 2.5: most of the evolution in the mass-size relation is due to color gradients
Chi Huang: The fundamental metallicity relation emerges from the local anti-correlation between star formation rate and gas-phase metallicity existing in disk galaxies
Yao Yao: Rejuvenation in z~0.8 quiescent galaxies in LEGA-C
Paper Report: Berzaf
The evolution and dependence of the local mass-metallicity relation
Work Reports:
Yimeng Tang
Qianhui Chen
Haiyang Liu: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Stellar population radial gradients in early-type galaxies
Xinkai Chen: The Main Sequence at z~1.3 contains a sizable fraction of galaxies with compact star formation sizes: a new population of early post-starbursts?
Man Qiao: The [CII]-SFR correlation in dwarf galaxies across cosmic time
Work Discussion
Berzaf: The extended halo of NGC 2682 (M 67) from Gaia DR2
Yan Guo: What drives the velocity dispersion of ionized gas in star-forming galaxies?
Yuheng Zhang: The formation of the Galactic bulge in an inside-out scenario
Paper Report: Yao Yao
The Chemical Evolution of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Metal-Poor Dwarf Galaxies
Wenjun Chang: A Universal Relation of Dust Obscuration Across Cosmic Time
Zhiyuan Song: Feedback from supermassive black holes transforms centrals into passive galaxies by ejecting circumgalactic gas
Zhixiong Liang: Ultraviolet Signatures of the Multiphase Intracluster and Circumgalactic Media in the RomulusC Simulation
Work Discussion
Xiangli Song: Diversity of Galaxy Dust Attenuation Curves Drives the Scatter in the IRX-beta Relation
Paper Report: Zhixiong Liang
New Constraints on Models for Circumgalactic Gas Inflow: How Do Galaxies Get Their Gas at Low Redshift?
Haiyang Liu: The diverse evolutionary pathways of post-starburst galaxies
Zuyi Chen: Fast Outflows Identified in Early Star-Forming Galaxies at z=5-6
Man Qiao: The evolution of the quenching of star formation in cluster galaxies since z ~ 1
Work Discussion
Chi Huang: A metal-poor ultra compact dwarf galaxy at a kiloparsec distance from the low-mass elliptical galaxy FCC47
Yuheng Zhang: Lyman Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization (LAGER): Spectroscopic Confirmation of Two Redshift ~ 7.0 Galaxies
Paper Report: Haiyang Liu
Properties of ionized outflows in MaNGA DR2 galaxies
Zhixiong Liang: HI galaxies with little star formation: an abundance of LIERs
Xinkai Chen: Morphology-assisted galaxy mass-to-light predictions using deep learning
Yan Guo: On the contribution of ULXs to stellar feedback: an intermediate mass black hole candidate and the population of ULXs in the low-metallicity starburst galaxy ESO 338-4
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: Do Galaxy Morphologies Really Affect the Efficiency of Star Formation during the Phase of Galaxy Transition?
Berzaf: High density of active galactic nuclei in the outskirts of distant galaxy clusters
Guangwen Chen: Compact Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts Quench Faster than Normal-sized Galaxies
Paper Report: Xinkai Chen
Abell 1367: a high fraction of late-type galaxies displaying H I morphological and kinematic perturbations
Chi Huang: MgII 2797, 2803 emission in a large sample of low-metallicity star-forming galaxies from SDSS DR14
Zuyi Chen: Evident black hole-bulge coevolution in the distant universe
Zhiyuan Song: Dense gas is not enough: environmental variations in the star formation efficiency of dense molecular gas at 100pc scales in M51
Work Discussion
2019 Spring Semester
Zhixiong Liang: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Environmental dependence of the Mgb/-sigma_* relation for nearby galaxies
Haiyang Liu: Outlying Ha emitters in SDSS IV MaNGA
Guangwen Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Inside-out vs. outside-in quenching in different local environments
Annual Summary
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: High Redshift Massive Quiescent Galaxies are as Flat as Star Forming Galaxies: The Flattening of Galaxies and the Correlation with Structural Properties in CANDELS/3D-HST
Zuyi Chen: The MUSE Atlas of Disks (MAD): Resolving Star Formation Rates and Gas Metallicities on < 100pc Scales
Zhiyuan Song: Revisiting the Integrated Star Formation Law. Paper I: Non-Starbursting Galaxies
Paper Report: Guangwen Chen
Starvation as the primary quenching mechanism in galaxies
Xinkai Chen: The HI Morphology and Stellar Properties of Strongly Barred Galaxies: support for bar quenching in massive spirals
Zhixiong Liang: Tracing the Quenching History in Galaxy Clusters in the EAGLE Simulation , Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Environmental Quenching of Centrals and Satellites in Groups
Chi Huang: Indication of Another Intermediate-mass Black Hole in the Galactic Center
Work Discussion
Haiyang Liu: Anomalously low metallicity regions in MaNGA star-forming galaxies: Accretion Caught in Action?
Paper Report: Chi Huang
The Circumgalactic Medium of eBOSS Emission Line Galaxies: Signatures of Galactic Outflows in Gas Distribution and Kinematics
Xinkai Chen: Spatial distribution of stellar mass and star formation activity at 0.2< z< 1.2 across and along the Main Sequence
Zhiyuan Song: The Neutral Hydrogen Properties of Galaxies in Gas-rich Groups
Zuyi Chen: Massive Dead Galaxies at z~2 with HST Grism Spectroscopy I. Star Formation and Metallicity Enrichment Histories
Yuheng Zhang: What Is Inside Matters: Simulated Green Valley Galaxies Have Centrally Concentrated Star Formation
Guangwen Chen: SDSS-IV MaNGA: The Roles of AGN and Dynamical Processes in Star Formation Quenching in Nearby Disk Galaxies
Man Qiao: Dissecting the Main Sequence: AGN Activity and Bulge Growth in the Local Universe
Work Discussion
Zhixiong Liang: The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA Derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools and Stellar Library
Chi Huang: Ultra-bright CO and [CI] emission in a lensed z=2.04 submillimeter galaxy with extreme molecular gas properties
Paper Report: Zhixiong Liang
CIGALE: a python Code Investigating GALaxy Emission
Zhiyuan Song: Angular momentum regulates HI gas content and HI central hole size in the discs of spirals
Haiyang Liu: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Observing the environmental quenching of star formation in GAMA groups
Yaoyao Zhang: Effects of environment on sSFR profiles of late-type galaxies in the CALIFA survey
Work Discussion
Xinkai Chen: Effects of environment on sSFR profiles of late-type galaxies in the CALIFA survey
Chi Huang: New candidates to polar-ring galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Yan Guo: Revisiting the Size-Luminosity Relation in the Era of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies
Paper Report: Haiyang Liu
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The sSFR-M* relation part I - $\sigma$sSFR-M* as a function of sample, SFR indicator and environment
Zuyi Chen: How to measure galaxy star-formation histories I: Parametric models
II: Nonparametric models
Zhixiong Liang: The "Fundamental Metallicity Relation" in CALIFA, SDSS-IV MaNGA and high-z galaxies
Guangwen Chen: Global Correlations Between the Radio Continuum, Infrared and CO Emission in Dwarf Galaxies
Work Discussion
Zuyi Chen: Science with an ngVLA: [CII] 158um Emission from z>10 Galaxies
Zhiyuan Song:
The Evolution of Molecular Gas Fraction Traced by the CO Tully-Fisher Relation
Haiyang Liu: Evolution of star-forming dwarf galaxies in different environments
ngVLA Discussion
Introduction and Science with an ngVLA
Zhixiong Liang: Science with an ngVLA: Neutral Atomic Hydrogen in the Local Universe
Haiyang Liu: Science with an ngVLA: How Do Cold Gas Outflows Shape Galaxies?
Xinkai Chen: Science with an ngVLA. Cold gas in High-z Galaxies: The molecular gas budget
Chi Huang: Science with an ngVLA: Radio Continuum Emission from Galaxies: An Accounting of Energetic Processes
Guangwen Chen: Imaging Molecular Gas at High Redshift
Zhiyuan Song: Imaging Cold Gas to 1 kpc scales in high-redshift galaxies with the ngVLA
Paper Report: Xinkai Chen
Compact star-forming galaxies preferentially quenched to become PSBs in z<1 clusters
Zhixiong Liang: Dwarf Galaxies: Their Low Metallicity Interstellar Medium
Haiyang Liu: The Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas Properties
Chi Huang: The Discovery of A Luminous Broad Absorption Line Quasar at A Redshift of 7.02
Guangwen Chen: A dynamical view on stellar metallicity gradient diversity across the Hubble sequence with CALIFA
Work Discussion
Guangwen Chen: The integrated properties of the CALIFA galaxies: Model-derived galaxy parameters and quenching of star formation
Xinkai Chen: Linking bar- and interaction-driven molecular gas concentration with centrally-enhanced star formation in EDGE-CALIFA galaxies
Work Report:
Zuyi Chen,
Zhiyuan Song
Man Qiao: Evolution of the cold gas properties of simulated post-starburst galaxies
Zhiyuan Song: Evolution of Galaxy Types and HI Gas Contents in Galaxy Groups
Chi Huang: Evolution of the Star-Forming Galaxies from z=0.7 to 1.2 with eBOSS Emission Line Galaxies
Work Discussion
2018 Fall Semester
Zhixiong Liang: No cores in dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies with bursty star formation histories
Zuyi Chen: MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of Quiescent Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2.5. II - Star Formation Histories and Galaxy Quenching