Group Meeting of Prof. Kong

            ★ Prof. Xu KONG's WebPage
                Prof. Hong-Xin ZHANG's WebPage

            ★ Previous arXiv list and paper reports are saved on:

            ★ If you have any questions about the arrangement, please contact me! Email:

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Recent paper

2022 Paper Order: Zesen Lin, Haiyang Liu, Xinkai Chen, Guangwen Chen, Yao Yao, Lijun Chen, Zheyu Lin x 2, Bojun Tao, Fujia Li, Yibin Luo, Jie Song ArXiv Order same as Paper Order
2022.03.09 Paper report: Fujia Li
Spitzer's perspective of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in galaxies
Zheyu Lin: The Final Season Reimagined: 30 Tidal Disruption Events from the ZTF-I Survey
Guangwen Chen: Stellar mass as the "glocal" driver of galaxies' stellar population properties
Bojun Tao: Dynamical friction in globular cluster-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: the case of NGC5846-UDG1
2022.03.02 Paper report: Bojun Tao
Gas dynamics in dwarf galaxies as testbeds for dark matter and galaxy evolution
Work Discussion (Xinkai Chen, Lijun Chen, Fujia Li, Jie Song, Guangwen Chen)
Yao Yao: The resolved chemical abundance properties within the interstellar medium of star-forming galaxies at z ≈ 1.5
Lijun Chen:Detection of nitrogen and oxygen in a galaxy at the end of reionization
Zesen Lin: The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: dust attenuation curves at z=4.4-5.5
2022.02.23 Paper report: Xinkai Chen
The EDGE-CALIFA survey: the local and global relations between Sigma_Ms, Sigma_SFR, and Sigma_mol that regulate star formation
Work Discussion (Haiyang Liu, Yao Yao, Yibin Luo, Bojun Tao, Zelin Xu, Weiyu Ding)
2022 Spring Semester
Lijun Chen: Scaling relations for globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies. II. Is there an environmental dependence
Zesen Lin: Mid and Far-Infrared Color-Color Relations within Local Galaxies
Fujia Li: Massive Galaxy Mergers Have Distinctive Global HI Profiles