Academic Experiences:


2002.7-2007.6                     Starting for Ph.D in USTC (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Pu Zhang)

2003.12-2004.12                 Study in University of Antwerpen (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Freddy Van Oystaeyen)

2005.3-2006.1                     Study in USTC-SIAS

2006.1.7-1.26                      Advanced School in ICTP

2007.6-2008.8                     Postdoctor in USTC (mentor: Prof. Dr. Sen Hu)

2008.9-2010.9                     Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (host Professor Prof. Dr. Henning Krause)

2010.9-2016.12                    Professor in USTC (specially appointed)

2017.1-                                Full Professor

2014.6.16-9.10                   Renewed Research Stay, by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (host Professor Prof. Dr. Henning Krause)

2015.8.10-24                      Invited visit to University of Edinburgh (host: Dr. Martin Kalck and Professor Michael Weymss)

2017.6.22-9.16                   Renewed Research Stay, by Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (host Professor Prof. Dr. Henning Krause)

2018.8.1-22                     Invited visit to the University of Bielefeld (host Professor Prof. Dr. Henning Krause)

2019.1.20-2.2                    Invited visit to Western Sydney University (host: Dr. Huanhuan Li and Professor Roozbeh Hazrat) 

2020.1.4-19                       Simons Visiting Professor at the University of Bielefeld (host Professor Prof. Dr. Henning Krause)



Teaching Activities:


2002.9-2003.1    TA “Analysis”, lecturer: Prof. Dr. Liu Taishun

2003.3-2003.7    TA, “Calculus”, lecturer: Dr. Ye Yu

2007.9-2008.1    Lecturer, “Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras”

2008.2-2008.7    Lecturer, “Homological Algebra”

2010.9-2011.1    Lecturer, “Modern Algebra”, joint with Bailin Song, with TA by Lamei Yuan, Jinbang Yang, Yongqiang Liu

2011.2-2011.6    Lecturer, “Linear Algebra B1”, with TA by Lingkan Chen, Xuemin Gao, Wenjie Ning, Pingping Tao

2011.9-2012.1    Lecturer, “Linear Algebra B1”, with TA by Lingkan Chen, Futao Zhang

2011.9-2012.1    Lecturer, “Selected Topics in Algebra II”, joint with Yu Ye, on “Reflection Functors and Coxeter Groups”

2012.2-2012.6    Lecturer, “Abstract Algebra II” for Hua class

2012.9-2013.1    Lecturer, “Modern Algebra”, with TA by Jin Cheng, Huanhuan Li, Dawei Shen

2013.2-2013.6    Lecturer, “Algebra” for Hua class

2013.9-2013.12   Lecturer, “Commutative Algebra”

2014.2-2014.6    TA with Chao Sun, “Algebra” for Hua class, lecturer Prof. Dr. Maxim Vsemirnov

2014.2-2014.6    Lecturer, “Selected Topics in Algebra”

2014.9-2015.1    Lecturer, "Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras"

2015.3-2015.7    Lecturer, "Algebra"

2015.9-2016.1    Lecturer, "Linear Algebra A2", with TA by Dr. Hao Wang, Xiaodong Chen

2016.3-2016.7    Lecturer, "Modern Algebra", with TA by Xiaofa Chen, Jie Li, Zhuoqun Mo

2016.9-2017.1    "Elements of Algebra", with TA by Jie Li, Yan Wei, Jiaxuan Li

2017.2-2017.6    "Abstract Algebra" with TA by Jie Li, Songsong Li, Yan Wei, Chi Zhang

2017.9-2018.1    "Elements of Algebra" with TA by Xiaofa Chen, Yiyu Chen, Jian Liu

2018.2-2018.6    "Linear Algebra A1" with TA by Xiaofa Chen, Jian Liu

2018.9-2019.1    "Linear Algebra A2" with TA by Xiaofa Chen, Jian Liu

2019.3-2019.7    Selected Topics in Algebra (Quasi-hereditary algebras)

2019.9-2020.1    "Commutative Algebra" with TA by Xiaofa Chen

2020.2-2020.7    Online “Abstract Algebra” for Hua class, with TA by Xinchao Ma

2020.9-2021.1    “Linear Algebra (B2)”, with TA by Le Ge and Dongdong Hu

2021.3-2021.7    “Abstract Algebra” for Hua class, with TA by Hubing Li

2021.9-2022.1    “Algebra”, with TA by Yiyu Cheng

2022.3-2022.7    “Abstract Algebra” for Hua class, with TA by Haoyu Wang, and Xiaochuang Wang

2022.9-2023.1    “Elements of Algebra”, with TA by Dongdong Hu, Haoyu Wang, and Xiaochuang Wang

2023.2-2023.7    “Abstract Algebra” for Hua class, with TA by Shengbo Zhou

2023.9-2024.1    “Linear Algebra B1”, with TA by Maoru Tan, and Rongzhong Xiao

2024.2-2024.7    “Abstract Algebra” for Hua class, with TA by Dongdong Hu

2024.9-2025.1    “Algebra”, with TA by Zhiqi Sun



Academic Service:


2014.1-2019.12 ICTP Junior Associate

2007.6-        AMS Math Reviewer

2017.11-       Reviewer of Zentralblatt Math

2014.5-        Editor of Open Mathematics (formerly CEJM) by De Gruyter Open

2019.9-        Editor of Electronic Research Archive (formerly ERAMS) by American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 

2020.12-       Editor of Mathematics by MDPI Basel Switzerland

2021.4         Joint Editor of Bulletin LMS and Journal LMS by London Mathematical Society

2023.1-        Editor of Science China Mathematics by Science China Press and the Chinese edition




Invited Stay/Talks:


2006.11        Six hour talks on “On algebraic triangulated categories”, Yangzhou Univ., invited by Prof. Hui-Xiang Chen

2008.1.5-9    Six hour talks on “Singularity categories, Gorenstein-projective modules and matrix factorizations”, Xiamen Univ., invited by Prof. Ya-Nan Lin.

2010.1.6     Talk on “The stable monomorphism category of a Frobenius category”, Univ. Bielefeld, invited by Prof. Claus Ringel and Prof. Dieter Vossieck

2010.4.13    Talk on “Singularity categories and Schur functor”, Univ. Hamburg, invited by Prof. Bernd Siebert

2010.11.12-14 Talk on “Expansions of abelian categories”, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., invited by Prof. Pu Zhang

2011.3.3-7    Four talks on “Introduction to weighted projective lines”, Xiamen Univ., invited by Prof. Yanan Lin

2011.6.10-11  Talk on “From diagrams to weighted projective lines”, Shandong Univ. of Technology, invited by Dr. Ning Bian

2013.6.27    Talk on “Frobenius extensions and Gorenstein projective modules”, Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics, invited by Prof. Yanhua Wang

2013.7.3-6    Talk on “Nakayama algebras: old and new”, Yangzhou Univ., invited by Prof. Libin Li

2014.7.11    Talk on “An introduction of Beck’s theorem”, the Birep seminar, Univ. Bielefeld, invited by Prof. Henning Krause

2015.1.5     Talk on "Equivariantization and Serre duality", Xiamen Univ., invited by Prof. Yanan Lin, Jianmin Chen

2015.1.8     Talk on "The singularity category of a quadratic monomial algebra", Shantou Univ., invited by Prof. Fei Xu

2016.8.5-9   Talk on "Equivalences between module categories: from Morita to Rickard", Guizhou Univ., invited by Dr. Chao Zhang

2016.10.14   Talk on "Tilting modules and stable equivalences", Anhui Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Yan-Hong Bao

2017.4.8-10  Talk on "Derived categories and standard equivalences", Jiangsu Normal Univ., invited by Dr. Zhiwei Li

2017.7.14    Talk on "Introducing K-standard additive categories", the Birep seminar, invited by Prof. Henning Krause

2017.7.28    Talk on "The dual group actions and stable tilting objects", the Birep seminar, invited by Prof. Henning Krause

2017.12.10-13 Talk on "Weighted projective lines: tilting and equivariant objects", Geometry Seminar, Hongkong Univ., invited by Prof. Zheng Hua

2018.1.13-16  Talk on "From affine quivers to weighted projective lines", CAS, invited by Prof. Ming Fang

2019.4.1      Talk on "Tensor algebras and Gorenstein algebras", Huaqiao Univ., invited by Prof. Zengqiang Lin

2019.5.11     Talk on "Recollements, comma categories and morphic enhancements", Anhui Univ., invited by Dr. Zhibin Zhao

2019.5.25/7.4  Ten hours talk on "Triangulated categories and derived categories", Hefei Univ. Tech, invited by Dr. Yongjie Wang

2019.7.11-15  Talk on "On the dg singularity categories", Henan Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Zhe Han

2019.8.3-10   Six hours talk on "Introduction to dg categories", Northwest Normal Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Zhenxing Di

2020.1.10    Talk on “Leavitt path algebras, B_\infinity-algebras and Keller’s conjecture”, the Birep seminar, invited by Prof. Dr. Henning Krause

2020.7.8     Online Talk on “Leavitt path algebras via singularity categories”, ECNU, invited by Prof. Dr. Guodong Zhou, via Zoom

2020.7.9     Online Talk on “Leavitt path algebra via the singularity category of a radical-square-zero algebra”, Western Sydney University Abend Seminars, invited by Prof. Dr. Roozbeh Hazrat, via Zoom

2020.9.24   Online talk on “Leavitt path algebras, B_\infty-algebras and Keller’s conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology”, the FD Seminar, Univ. Bonn (via BigBlueButton)

2020.12.3    Online talk on “Equivariantization and weighted projective lines”, Tianyuan Math. Center, invited by Prof. Dr. Jianmin Chen, via Tencent

2020.12.17   Online talk on “The finite EI categories of Cartan type”, Tokyo-Nagoya Algebra Seminar, invited by Prof. Dr. Osamu Iyama, via Zoom

2021.4.16    Online talk on “Skew group categories, algebras associated to Cartan matrices and folding of root lattices”, the Birep seminar, invited by Prof. Dr. Henning Krause, via Zoom

2021.5.12    Online talk on “From algebraic triangulated categories to pretriangulated dg categories”, Capital Normal Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Hongxing Chen, via Tencent

2021.9.14    Online talk on “Skew group categories, algebras associated to Cartan matrices and folding of root lattices”, Oberseminare am IAZ, invited by Prof. Dr. Steffen Koenig, via Webex

2021.10.21   Online talk on “The dg Leavitt path algebra, singular Yoneda category and singularity category”, LAGOON, invited by Prof. Dr. Sibylle Schroll, via Zoom

2021.10.26   Online talk on “The dg Leavitt path algebra, singular Yoneda category and singularity category”, Sichuan Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Ming Lu, via Tecent

2021.11.26   Online talk on “An invitation to Leavitt path algebras”, Shantou Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Fei Xu, via Tecent

2021.11.30   Online talk on “An invitation to Leavitt path algebras”, Jilin Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Xiaosong Sun, via Tecent

2021.12.10   Online talk on “An invitation to Leavitt path algebras”, Qufu Normal Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Dingguo Wang, via Tecent

2022.1.17-21   Online talk on “Introduction to weighted projective lines” (2/6, joint with Jianmin Chen, Shiquan Ruan), Tsinghua Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Yu Qiu, via Tecent

2022.4.23     Online talk on “From the bar resolution to the singular Yoneda dg category”, Northeast Normal Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Xianhui Fu, via Tencent

2022.5.15    Online talk on “Group actions on EI quivers”, Tianyou Math. Forum, Lanzhou Jiaotong Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Li Liang, via Tencent

2022.6.2     Online talk on “An introduction to the singular Yoneda dg category”, Chenjiangong Dajiangtang, Hangzhou Normal Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Jiwei He, via Tencent

2023.1.6     Online talk on “An introduction to t-structures, I”, Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, invited by Prof. Dr. Haiyan Zhu, via Tencent

2023.3.30    Online talk on “An introduction to t-structures, II”, Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, invited by Prof. Dr. Haiyan Zhu, via Tencent

2023.11.5    Talk on “Pre-weight structures, pseudo-identities and canonical derived equivalences”, Capital Normal Univ., invited by Professor Changchang Xi and Hongxing Chen

2023.11.29   Talk on “Keller’s lifting conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology”, Anhui Univ., invited by Professor Yanhong Bao and Huanhuan Li

2024.7.8-13   Talk on “An introduction to module factorizations”, Guizhou Univ., invited by Prof. Dr. Chao Zhang



Invited Talks Given at Conferences:


2005.8.14-21   Summer School of Algebras, 45 min. talk on “A remark on Happel’s embedding”, Yangzhou Univ., Yangzhou.

2005.10.14-17  Doctoral Forum of China 2005, 20 min. talk on “Representations and cocycle twists of color Lie algebras”, Fudan Univ., Shanghai.

2006.9.13-17   Representation of Quivers, Singularity and Lie Theory, 40 min talk on “Generalized Serre functors”. Morningside Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing.

2007.8.5-18    Summer School on Noncommutative Algebra/Geometry, 60 min talk on “Singularity categories of rings and Gorenstein-projective modules”, Fudan Univ., Shanghai.

2010.2.1-2.6    Advanced School and Conference on Homological and Geometrical Methods in Representation Theory, 40 min. talk on “Expansions of abelian categories”, ICTP, Italy.

2010.5.3-5.7    A Conference on Interplay between Representation Theory and Geometry, 50 min. talk on “The F-inflation category and its stable category”, Morningside Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing.

2010.11.13     Algebra Day in Shanghai, 25 min. talk on “Standard models of Frobenius categories”, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai.

2010.12.9-12   Workshop on Noncommutative Algebras, 50 min. talk on “Constructing new Frobenius categories”, Zhejiang Normal Univ., Jinhua.

2011.6.11-16   Algebras and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “On the singularity category of an algebra”, Shandong Univ., Jinan.

2011.9.12-16   Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry 2011 Shanghai Workshop, 50 min. talk on “Frobenius categories, revisited”, Fudan Univ., Shanghai.

2011.9.26-30   Workshop on Representation Theory: Cohomology and Support, 60 min. talk on “Frobenius categories, revisited”, Morningside Center, Beijing

2011.10.2-7     Shanghai Conference on Representation Theory, 45 min. talk on “Singularity categories and Leavitt path algebras”, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai

2011.10.20-21   Mini Workshop on Algebraic Group and Representation Theory, 45 min. talk on “Singularity category, Leavitt path algebra and shift spaces”, USTC, Hefei.

2011.11.13-17  The 2011 Annual Conference of Chinese Mathematical Association (CMA) , 40 min. talk on “Singularity categories, relating to noncommutative geometry and symbolic dynamic system”, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu

2012.10.12-14  2012 Yangtse Delta Algebra Workshop, 50 min. talk on “Leavitt path algebras and singularity categories”, East China Normal Univ., Shanghai

2012.10.27-28  DAAD “von Alumni fuer Alumni”—Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “Leavitt path algebras and singularity categories”, Capital Normal Univ., Beijing

2013.6.24-28   The Second Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress (PRIMA), 30 min. talk on “Singular equivalences with examples”, Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai.

2013.8.4-10    The 13rd National Conference on Algebra, 50 min. talk on “From singularity categories to Leavitt path algebras”, Jilin Univ., Changchun.

2013.12.6-8    2013 Yangtse Delta algebra Workshop, 50 min. talk on “On morphisms determined by objects in additive categories”, Fudan Univ., Shanghai

2013.12/28-29  Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, 50 min. talk on “An introduction to the Auslander bijections”, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing

2014.3.21-23   Workshop on Algebra, 60 min. talk on “On the category of equivariant objects”, Nanjing Normal Univ., Nanjing

2014.10.17-19  “Algebras and Algebraic Geometry: Theory and Applications” Graduate Student Forum, 50 min. talk on “An introduction to equivariantization”, Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics, Shanghai.

2015.3.20-22   2015 Workshop on Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry, 30 min talk on "An introduction to the singularity category of an artin algebra", Zhejiang Normal Univ., Jinhua.

2015.4.24-26   Youth Algebra Forum, 45 min. talk on "The singularity category via the stabilization", Southeast Univ., Nanjing.

2015.4.14      Mini-Workshop on Leavitt Path Algebras and Singularity Categories, 60 min. talk on "Graded Morita equivalences between Leavitt path algebras: via singularity categories", Univ. Edinburgh, Edinburgh.

2015.9.5-8     Workshop on Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry, 40 min. talk on "Equivariantization and derived categories", Yangzhou Univ., Yangzhou.

2015.10.10-11  Workshop on Algebras and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on "Filtered triangulated categories and the realization functor, after A. Beilinson", Southeast Univ., Nanjing.

2015.11.21-24  The 80th Anniversary Meeting of the Chinese Mathematical Association (CMA), 30 min. talk on "Homological singularities via triangulated categories", Capital Normal Univ., Beijing.

2016.11.3-5    Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, 50 min. talk on "Wakamatsu's equivalence revisited", Anhui Normal Univ., Wuhu.

2017.9.22-24   Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, 45 min. talk on "The dual group actions and stable tilting objects", Nanjing Univ. Inform. Sci. Tech., Nanjing.

2017.10.27-29  Mini-Workshop on Hochschild Cohomology and Related Topics II, 45 min. talk on "Standard equivalences and derived-discrete algebras", East China Normal Univ., Shanghai.

2018.5.4-7    2018 Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, 50 min. talk on "Equivariantization and weighted projective lines", Xiamen Univ., Xiamen.

2018.5.10-13  Homolgical and Homotopical Tools in Category Theory with Applications to Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory and Module Theory, 45 min. talk on "Gorenstein homological properties of tensor rings", Zhejiang Univ. of Tech., Hangzhou.

2018.5.27-6.1  Stable Cohomology: Foundation and Applications, 60 min. introductory talk on "The singularity category", Snowbird, Utah.

2018.10.26-28  The Fourth Yangtse Delta Algebra Conference, 30 min. talk on "Standard derived equivalences and Brown representability", Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., Shanghai.

2019.1.21-25   The Asia-Australia Algebra Conference 2019, 45 min. talk on ''The singularity category of a quadratic monomial algebra", Western Sydney University, Sydney.

2019.1.29      Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on "On standard derived equivalences", University of Sydney, Sydney.

2019.3.29-4.1  2019 Xiamen University Advanced Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, 50 min. talk on "Representability and autoequivalence groups", Xiamen University, Xiamen.

2019.4.16-19   Isfahan School and Conference on Representations of Algebras (ISCRA 2019), 40 min. talk on "Standard derived equivalences", University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2019.5.17-19   Representation Theory and Cluster Algebras, 50 min. talk on " Recollements, comma categories and morphic enhancements", Tsinghua Univ., Beijing.

2019.6.9-14   The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (ICCM 2019), 45 min. talk on "Derived Morita theory-- standard derived equivalences", Tsinghua Univ., Beijing.

2020.6.6-7    2020 Workshop on Frontier Advances and Perspectives in Group and Algebra Representations, 50 min. talk on “The standard equivalence conjecture”, SJTU, Shanghai (via Zoom).

2020.9.19-20  The 3rd Workshop on Frontier in Algebra and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “Leavitt path algebras, B_\infty-algebras and Keller’s conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology”, Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing (via Tencent)

2021.1.15-16  Algebraic Representation Theory Workshop, 50 min. talk on “Folding via EI categories of Cartan type”, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing (via Tencent)

2021.4.17-18  Lie Theory Series Report, 30 min. talk on “Folding of root lattices via EI categories”, Hefei Univ. Tech, Hefei (via Tencent)

2021.4.23-25  2021 Southeast University Algebra Conference, 40 min. talk on “An introduction to dg singularity categories”, Southeast Univ., Nanjing. 

2021.6.4-7    2021 Wuhan Algebra Workshop, 30 min. talk on “An introduction to finite EI categories of Cartan type”, Jianghan Univ., Wuhan.

2021.10.13-15 Workshop on Tilting Theory, Derived Categories and Related Topics, 50 min. talk on “The dg Leavitt path algebra, singular Yoneda category and singularity category”, Anhui Univ., Hefei.

2022.1.8    Workshop on Algebras and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “An introduction to EI categories of Cartan type”, Shandong Univ. of Tech., Zibo (via Tencent)

2022.6.25   The Singularity Theory of Weighted Projective Curves and i-Quantum Groups (III), 50 min. talk on “The extensions of t-structures, after Bernhard Keller”, Xiamen Univ., Xiamen (via Tencent)

2022.7.15-8.5  Workshop on Derived Categories and Gorenstein Homological Algebra, 50 min. talks on “An invitation to dg Leavitt path algebras”, Jiangsu Univ. of Technology, Changzhou (via Tencent).

2022.8.3-8.12  Workshop and Twentieth International Conference of Representations of Algebras (ICRA 2022), 50 min. plenary talk on “An invitation to singular Yoneda dg categories”, Uruguay and Argentina (via Zoom).

2022.9.26-30   Representation Theory and Triangulated Categories, 1 hour talk on “The stabilization functor via the singular Yoneda dg category”, Paderborn University, Paderborn (via Zoom).

2023.1.6      Flash Talks in Representation Theory at NTNU, 10 min. talk on “The injective dimension of the Jacobson radical”, NTNU, Norway (via Zoom).

2023.4.7-10   Workshop on Gorenstein Singularity Theory and Cluster Algebras, 40 min. talk on “An introduction to Vogel dg categories”, Hangzhou Normal Univ., Hangzhou.

2023.4.20-23  The 5th Workshop on Frontier in Algebra and Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “The dg approaches to singularity categories”, Capital Normal Univ., Beijing.

2023.5.12-14  CCNU Workshop on Groups and Algebras, 50 min. talk on “Standard derived equivalences via dg enhancements”, Central China Normal Univ., Wuhan.

2023.7.19-21  Tianyuan Mathematical Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras and Noncommutative Algebras, 50. min. talk on “On standard derived equivalences”, Qufu Normal Univ., Qufu.

2023.10.4-6   Workshop on Algebras and Applications, 50 min. talk on “The singularity category of algebras”, Shanghai Univ. for Science and Technology, Shanghai.

2023.10.13-17  Workshop on Representation Theory and Related Topics, 40 min. talk on “Keller’s lifting conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology”, Hunan Normal Univ., Changsha.

2023.11.1-5    BNU Algebra and Representation Theory, 45 min. talk on “On standard derived equivalences”, Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing.

2023.12.12-14  The Eighth Isfahan Seminar on Representations of Algebra (ISRA-VIII), two 50 min talks on “Introduction to dg algebras and modules” and “Introduction to dg categories”, Isfahan (via Zoom).

2024.1.7-9     The Second Annual Sectional Meeting on Algebras, 45 min. talks on “Introduction to differential graded Leavitt path algebras”, Harbin Engineering Univ., Harbin.

2024.1.17-21   International Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, in honor of Alexander Zimmermann, 40 min. talk on “An introduction to canonical derived equivalences”, ECNU, Shanghai.

2024.3.22-25   2024 Wuhan University Frontier Luojia Forum on Algebra, 50 min. talk on “The category of module factorizations”, Wuhan Univ., Wuhan.

2024.5.10-12   2024 Workshop on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory, 40 min. talk on “Skew group algebras and GLS algebras”, Shanghai Univ., Shanghai.

2024.7.3       Feicuihu Lake Algebra Forum, 50 min. talk on “Preprojective algebras, skew group algebras and Morita equivalences”, Hefei Univ. Tech., Hefei.

2024.7.16-20   2024 International Workshop on Homological Approximation Theory and its Applications, 40 min. talk on “Introduction to module factorizations”, jointly organized by Zhejiang Univ. Tech, Hangzhou Normal Univ., and Zhejiang Univ. Sci Tech., Hangzhou.

2024.7.23-30   International Conference on Homological Methods in Representation Theory, 50 min. talk on “Preprojective algebras, skew group algebras and Morita equivalences”, jointly organized by Northwest Normal Univ. and Lanzhou Jiaotong Univ., Lanzhou.

2024.8.25-27  Workshop on Algebraic Structures in Mathematics and Physics, 40 min. talk on “The homological dimensions of the Jacobson radical”, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing.




Other Talks at Conferences:


2005.3.20-24   Conferences on Duality between D-branes and Strings. 25 mn. talk on “Grade Hof algebras and pairings”, USTC-SIAS.

2005.5.23-28   International Conference on Algebras and Representations (the Asia-Link program). 30 min. talk on “On graded bialgebras deformations”, Peking Normal Univ..

2005.8.22-28   International Workshop on Derived Category. 30 min. talk on “Singularities of algebras”, Qinghua Univ..

2006.10.4-8    The Eighth Advanced Seminar on Representation Theory of Algebras. 120 min talk on “Coherent functors and generalised Serre dualtiy”, Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou.

2007.5.28      2007 USTC Forum of Graduate Students.15 min talk on ”Singularity categories, Schur functors and triangular matrix rings”, USTC.

2007.8.28-9.1   The Ninth Conference of Representation Theory of Algebras in China. 50 min talk on “Cluster algebras of finite type and CC formula (II)”, Beijing Univ. of Technology, Beijing.

2007.8.28-9.1   The Ninth Conference of Representation Theory of Algebras in China. 30 min. talk on “On the singularity categories of rings”, Beijing Univ. of Technology.

2009.3.1-6     Workshop on Representation and Cohomology. 20 min. talk “An extension of Grothendieck duality via relative homological algebra”, Univ. zu Koeln, Germany.

2009.8.31-9.4  Summer School on Hall Algebras, Loop Algebras and Weighted Projective Lines. 90 min. talk on “Coherent sheaves on weighted projective line (2)”, Bad Driburg, Germany.

2010.1.16     Workshop ueber Derivierte Kategorien Kohaerenter Garben (Bonn-Essen-Paderborn). 45 min. talk “Applications of Orlov’s Theorem”, Univ. Paderborn, Germany.

2010.6.28-29   Mini-Workshop on MF. 60 min. talk “Compact generators in the categories of matrix factorizations, after Dyckerhoff”, Univ. Hannover, Germany.

2010.9.12-17   Test Problems for the Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, 60 min. talk “Recollements of vector bundles and monomorphism chains”, Banff, Canada.

2011.9.19-23   USTC/NUS Mathematical Workshop, 50 min. talk “Singularity categories and Leavitt path algebras”, USTC, China.

2011.11.22-26  USTC/PDMI Algebra and Dynamic System Workshop, 50 min. talk “Introduction to representation theory of Leavitt path algebras, relating to symbolic dynamic systems”, USTC, China

2012.5.6-11    Linking Representation Theory, Singularity Theory and Non-commutative Algebraic Geometry, 40. min. talk “Some irreducible representations of Leavitt path algebras”, Banff, Canada

2012.6.22-27   The Fourteenth National Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, two 50 min. talks “Introduction to singularity categories (6, 7)”, Anhui Univ., Hefei

2012.8.8-17    Workshop and International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA 2012), 20 min. talk “Retractions and Gorenstein homological properties”, Univ. Bielefeld, Germany

2012.12.10-14  SFB Workshop: Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Representation Theory, 60 min. talk “Singularity categories, Leavitt path algebras and shift spaces”, Univ. Bielefeld, Germany

2013.5.12-18   Mini-Workshop: Localising and Tilting in Abelian and Triangulated Categories, 50 min. talk “Leavitt path algebras as graded universal localizations” and 40. min. talk “Triangulated categories that are very close to module categories”, Oberwolfach, Germany

2013.7.29-8.2  The Fifteenth National Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras, two 50 min. talks “Introduction to model categories (VI, V)”, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu

2015.5.20-5.25  The Seventeenth National Workshop on Algebra Representation Theory, six 50 min. talks "Normal partial tilting modules, exceptional subcategories and (generalized) non-crossing partitions", Shandong Univ., Jinan.

2016.5.26-31   The Fourteenth National Conference on Algebra, 20 min. talk "An introduction to equivariantization", Yangzhou Univ., Yangzhou.

2016.10.28-30  The 2016 Annual Meeting of Anhui Mathematical Society, 30 min. talk "Equivalence of categories--from modules to complexes", Chaohu Univ., Chaohu.

2019.6.26-30   The Twenty-first National Workshop on Algebra Representation Theory, three 50 min. talks "Introduction to dg categories" (3/6 joint with Xiaofa Chen), Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing

2019.10.24-26  Humboldt Kolloquium, 10 min. talk on "An informal introduction to derived equivalences", Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Peking.

2019.10.7-11   Workshop on Algebraic Representation Theory and Related Topics, 1 hour talk on "The lower extension groups and quotient categories", Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), Sanya.

2020.1.19-25   Representation Theory of Quivers and Finite Dimensional Algebras, 30 min. talk on “Derived equivalences via HRS-tilting”, Oberwolfach, Germany.

2021.8.2-22   Summer School on Algebra, 4-hour talk on “An introduction to dg categories”, Central China Normal Univ., Wuhan (via Tencent) .

2022.7.15-8.5  Workshop on Derived Categories and Gorenstein Homological Algebra, 6 times 1.5 hours talks on “Introduction to singularity categories”, Jiangsu Univ. of Technology, Changzhou (via Tencent).

2022.8.29     China-Iran Seminar on Lie and Representation Theory, 40 min. talk on “The folding of root lattices via skew group categories”, Univ. of Isfahan and Xiamen Univ. (via Zoom)

2023.10.27-29  The 2023 Annual Meeting of Anhui Mathematical Society, 30 min. talk on “The singularity category of algebras”, Huangshan Univ., Huangshan.

2024.4.14-19   Hochschild (Co)Homology and Applications, 50 min. talk on “Keller’s conjecture for singular Hochschild cohomology”, Oberwolfach, Germany.

2024.7.30-8.9  International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA 21), 25 min. talk on “An introduction to module factorizations”, SJTU, Shanghai.





Erdos Number = 4

Paul Erdos  ----  Zoltan Papp  ----  Jonathan S. Golan  ----  Freddy M.J. Van Oystaeyen  ----  Xiao-Wu Chen

Paul Erdos  ---  Peter Pal Palfy ---  Erzsebet Lukas --- Claus Michael Ringel --- Xiao-Wu Chen


Mathematics Genealogy Project

Friedrich Leibniz …. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass …. Aleksandr Gennadievich Kurosh ---- Shaoxue Liu ----- Pu Zhang ---- Xiao-Wu Chen

Note: Friedrich Leibniz is the father of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.


