Class notes

To be continued......

TOEFL learning record

I want to record TOEFL learning content through this page, urge myself to study. Now I plan to update every day until the exam.

I have completed the exam and got a good score. The study record is still kept, and some additional experiences and materials are shared.

GRE learning record

I want to record GRE learning content through this page, urge myself to study.

I have completed the exam without so much effort, which is beyond my expectation.

Mind maps

Some course mind maps made by software during my final review. You can use it to memorize formulas, or to see if you have a framework after a course.The following content varies in quality and is for reference only. Note all the mindmaps are written in Chinese.

Elective thesis

These are the papers required for the elective courses. Except for first one, all papers are written in Chinese

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Social Practice


Scientific Research Notes

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