Dr.Siqi Yang taught us why to study physics in USTC(这是别人说的,不是我说的!)

  • Publications:

    1. Will be submitted in August
    2. Will be submitted before November
  • 学术搭子(先把大想法记起,造福世人,欢迎合作):

    1. 拓扑光子学中的拓扑保护概念(比如拓扑绝缘体边缘态能极强的降低噪声,且单向传输,无背散射)搬运到信息科学
    2. 预言更多高维新奇拓扑物态,并设计人工维度体系实验实现
    3. 量子模拟四维分数量子霍尔效应,费米哈巴德模型,Ising Model等,如果能利用人工维度简化量子模拟所需维度则是更好的
  • Here are Some Notes By Xianhao Wei(Only Notes!Not Academic Papers!)

    1. 外微分
    2. 国际单位制下的电磁场和Chern-Simons场
    3. 高斯单位制下的电磁场(我带本科电磁学课程助教的Note)
    4. \(|\psi(t)>=Te^{-i\int_0^tH(t')dt'}\)unify all the perturbation theory,geometric phase and large-detuning model in quantum optics(统一微扰论,几何相,大失谐模型)
    5. BCS理论推导GL方程(Call me to study by yourself)
    6. 波包动力学方程推导(里面包含四维量子霍尔效应的简单推导)
    7. 线性响应理论推导量子霍尔电导
  • Other reference website:

    1. Yuxuan's homepage of topological physics
    2. Jihuan Guan's homepage of topological physics
    3. A course about topological physics
    4. Catalog of papers of topological physics
    5. (Chinese)Course Homepage-Geometric phase in physics
    6. (Chinese)Course Homepage-Topological phase transition(2023)