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                       3427 Valley Brook Rd. Nashville 37215, TN, US






      Research Interest
  • Electromagnetics,RF/Microwave and milimeter wave devices and circuits, antenna
  • Semiconductor devices and physics, Nanoelectronics, Radiation effects
  • Wireless communication

       Short Biography

              I am a graduate student in EECS department in Vanderbilt University.I am gonna receive my M.S. degree from Vanderbilt University in the area of  Radiation effects and Reliability in Semiconductors. During my M.S. study, I worked in the Radiation Effects and Reliability Group(RER), and mainly working on the Total Ionizing Dose Effect in Devices. My advisor is Dr. Ron Schrimpf, who is an IEEE fellow. Before I came to Vanderbilt University, I received my B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China(USTC), which is a renowned college at home and abroad, in Dept. of Electronic Engineering &Information Science. At that time, I am in Applied Electromagnetics Labrotary, which is mainly focuing on the microwave and milimeter-wave devices and circuits. So,based           on all my education experience, I wish to continue my graduate study in the area of semiconductor devices and their application in RF/Microwave and milimeter wave area. I believe that's where I am gonna fly.

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