Aug.2011~present Vanderbilt University

  • M.S. in department of EECS in vanderbilt focusing on the area of Radiation and Reliability of Semiconductors
  • Overall GPA: 4.0/4.0

     Sep. 2007~Jun.2011 University of Science and Technology of China(USTC)

  • B.S. in Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Information Science (EEIS)
  • Overall GPA*:                 3.86/4.30                                                             Weighted Score: 90.3
  • Major GPA:                     4.13/4.30                                                             Weighted Score: 94.83
  • Math related GPA:          4.01/4.30                                                             Weighted Score: 92.17
  • Rank:                               4/152
(*GPA calculation Standard: A, 4.3, 100~95; B, 4.0, 94~90; C, 3.7, 89~85; D, 3.3, 84~82; E, 3.0, 81~78; etc)


  • Electromagnetics,RF/Microwave and milimeter wave devices and circuits, antenna
  • Semiconductor devices and physics; Nanoelectronics
  • VLSI and Analog integrated circuits


  • Feb.2012~present Research assistant in Radiation and Reliability Group in Vanderbilt University
  •                         Abstract: To investigate the TID response, to build an embeddable TID monitor that could measure the TID dose level, test and verify it.

                            Work: *did a broad research on this topic, and chose SOI technology with thich Buried Oxide to implement the monitor

                                      *finished the schematic and layout work of the chip, waiting to be manufactured.

                                      *wrote a research review about the TID effect in SOI technology, ranging from the origin, the traps, the response and the                                  hardening technology of the SOI transistor.

  • Aug. 2012~present involved in the research of Carbon based nanoelectronics, such as CNT, diamond, graphene, etc.

                                 Abstract: modeling and characterization of nanogap nano-diamond vacuum field emission diode, carbon based nanoelectronics application for                                                 solar cells, and biomedical application

                                 Responsibility: *review the field emission theory of vacuum electronics

                                                       *characterize the different conduction mechanisms that maybe responsible for the nanogap nano-diamond vacuum FED

                                                       *model experimental data, and presents the reasonable conduction mechanisms for the nanogap nano-diamond vacuum FED

                                                       *write and submit a paper to Journal of Applied Physics

  • Aug. 2012~ Dec. 2012 Courses Related Research I

                           Abstract: Investigation of Superlattice theory and application.

                           Responsibility: * reviewed the Schrodinger Equation solution for the Superlattice materials

                                                  * investigated the interesting phenomenon, the negative differential conductance of superlattice

                                                  * had the research on the superlattice carrier transport mechanisms

                                                  *reviewed the application of superlattice, especially Bloch Oscillator as a THz source and Quantum Cascaded Laser

  • Feb. 2012~ May. 2012 Courses Related Research II
  •                        Abstract: Investigation of Radiation Effect in SOI technology

                           Responsibility: * reviewed the SOI technology, the fab procedure, the difference with bulk technology and their advantage

                                                 * investigated the Partial Depleted and Fully Depleted SOI transistors and their Total Ionizing Dose effect

                                                 * identified the TID traps, including the trap kind and trap characteristics

                                                 * hardening techniques for TID effect in SOI technology

  • Nov. 2009~Jun. 2011     Research Assistant in Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory USTC

                               Abstract: investigated the relationship of fractal antenna between the electrical performance and its geometry structure

                               Responsibility: * Developed a program calculating the current flowing on the fractal antennas (Koch and Sierpinski), analyzed the intrinsic                                                          fractal characteristics in the current distribution

                                                      * investigated the characteristics of fractal antennas, wrote programs to calculate the impedance matrix with Moment Method                                                          and optimized them. Found some principles illustrating the essence of fractals by analyzing the impedance matrix.

                                                      * found a new method of approaching the nature of fractal antennas, taking as self-similar arrays with the initiator as array                                                          element

                                                      * applied the fractal theory to Yagi-Uda antenna, aiming at decreasing the size of antenna without sacrificing antenna                                                          performance.

  • Sep.2010                   China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling(CUMCM)

                              Abstract: developed mathematical models to calculate the displacement parameters of oil tank and the calibration of the capacity table

                             Responsibility:  * developed 3 increasingly complexity models of calculus to simulate the situation

                                                    * helped to write programs calculating the displacement parameters and write a final paper

  • Jul.2009~Nov.2009   Robogame in USTC

                                   Abstract:  made two robots, a humanoid robot controlled by the remote controller and an automatic car running along the white line on                                                   the ground. kept them cooperate with each other to finish the task to get the humanoid robot walking through the ditches.

                                  Responsibility: * helped the design of outlook and structure of the small car   

                                                         * initiated the programming of the small car by MEGA 16/32 and helped to optimize the program

                                                         * helped the programming of the wireless communication between the humanoid robot and the remote controller


  • Programming Language: MATLAB, C/C++, SQL, VHDL, Assemble Language
  • Software: Cadence, HFSS, IE3D, Origin, Systemview, Quartus2, LINUX/UNIX,Mysql


  • 2011~2012     Teaching assistant scholarship and Research assistant scholarship
  • 2010               Outstanding Student Scholarship
  • 2009               Microsystems Scholarship
  • 2008               Outstanding Student Scholarship
  • 2007               Outstanding Student Scholarship


“Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-finger Sub-micron Gap Nanodiamond Lateral Vacuum Diode” submitted to Journal of Applied Physics

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