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    I'm employed by University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) as a postdoctoral fellow at School of Mathematical Science under Prof. Ligang Liu's supervision

    1404, Building of Management Academy, East Campus of USTC, No. 96, Jinzhai Road, Baohe District, Hefei City, 230026, Anhui Province, P. R. China

    Email me by clicking (right-click for email addresses):   Faculty Email    Student Email

Research Interests: Differential Equations and Geometry Analysis, Numerical PDEs, Computer Graphics


    September 2012 - June 2015  Tsitsihar Experimental Middle School, High School

    September 2015 - June 2019  School of Gifted Young(SGY) in USTC, undergraduate, Mathematics, B. S. bachelor's thesis, supervised by Prof. Ping Li

    September 2019 - June 2024  School of Mathematical Science in USTC, graduate, Pure Mathematics, D. S. doctor's thesis, supervised by Prof. Xi-Nan Ma


    July 2024 - now  School of Mathematical Science in USTC, postdoctor

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