
There are currently no direct flights available, thus you may need to transfer to Huangshan from other Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Flying from Beijing or Guangzhou to Huangshan typically requires a transfer and takes approximately 2 hours. Alternatively, traveling from Shanghai to Huangshan by train is more convenient, with the journey usually lasting between 2.5 to 3 hours.

Of course, if you intend to visit Hefei, the hometown of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), you can opt to fly directly to Hefei. Keep in mind that there are currently no direct flights, so you may need to transfer from Chengdu, Beijing, or Guangzhou. Nevertheless, traveling from Hefei to Huangshan City is extremely convenient, as it only takes between 1.5 to 2 hours by high-speed train.

By airplane

Currently, the fastest flight route from Rome to Huangshan is operated by Air China:

Departure on June 1, 20:55-13:00+1 Rome FCO - Beijing Capital Airport T3 PEK 17:55-21:10 Beijing Capital Airport T2 PEK - Huangshan Tunxi Airport TXN

Return on June 8, 21:00-23:10 Huangshan Tunxi Airport TXN - Beijing Capital Airport T2 PEK 13:40-18:55 Beijing Capital Airport T3 PEK - Rome FCO

By train

For instance, upon arriving in Shanghai by plane, you will need to take a train to Huangshan City, which typically takes between 2 to 3 hours. The trains operate every 30 minutes from 8:05 to 19:05 . Traveling from Pudong Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station requires approximately 1 hour by taxi or 1.5 hours via subway. Train ticket reservations can be made up to 15 days before your intended departure date. For instance, if you intend to travel on June 2, you would be able to book your tickets on May 18. The tickets are valid on a precise train, but you have one chance to change the ticket for free.

You have the option to purchase tickets either directly at the railway station or conveniently through the English version of the 12306 website at,if you encounter any issues with accessing or navigating the website, we recommend trying a different browser, such as Google Chrome, for a smoother experience.

Please note that the train timetable for January is attached below, it is subject to potential changes in June.

上海虹桥站 (Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station) 上海站 (Shanghai Station) 黄山北站 (Huangshan North Station)

How to take the subway from the airport to the train station

From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Shanghai Railway Station(上海站):

Option 1 Metro Line 2 (Pudong International Airport Station浦东国际机场站 - People's Square Station人民广场站) transfer to Metro Line 1 (People's Square Station人民广场站 - Shanghai Railway Station上海站)

Option 2 Metro Line 2 (Pudong International Airport Station浦东国际机场站 - Century Avenue Station世纪大道站) transfer to Metro Line 4 Outer Circle (Century Avenue Station世纪大道站 - Shanghai Railway Station上海火车站)

From Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Station(上海虹桥火车站): Metro Line 2 Pudong International Airport Station浦东国际机场站 - Hongqiao Railway Station虹桥火车站

Useful Website Recommendations

Airfare website:  Air China    China Southern Airlines    China Eastern Airlines website

Purchase train tickets website:  12306 (If you encounter problems with your search, for example, it always shows“System is busy. Please try again later.”, try conducting it again using another browser, such as Google Chrome. / Or download the app "Railway 12306"

Website for booking hotels:

Payment tips:  Guide to Payment Services in China

*Remark*: From December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, holders of ordinary passports from Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia can enter China visa-free for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends and transit for no more than 15 days.

Contact: Lin CAO(;WeChat No. :17600774325