NAGASH 0.9.8
Next Generation Analysis System
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NAGASH::FigureTool Class Reference

Class for plotting variaous types of figures. More...

#include "NAGASH/FigureTool.h"

Inheritance diagram for NAGASH::FigureTool:

Public Member Functions

 FigureTool (std::shared_ptr< MSGTool > MSG)
 Constructor for FigureTool.
 FigureTool (std::shared_ptr< MSGTool > MSG, std::shared_ptr< FigureStyleHelper > shelper)
 Constructor for FigureTool.
std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvasBookATLASRectangular (const TString &figurename)
 Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure. The size is 800*600 as recommended by ATLAS.
std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvasBookATLASSquare (const TString &figurename)
 Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure. The size is 600*600 as recommended by ATLAS.
std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvasBookFigure (const TString &figurename, int size_x, int size_y)
 Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure.
void DrawFigures ()
 Draw all the figures booked in this tool.
std::shared_ptr< FigureStyleHelperGetFigureStyleHelper ()
 Return the style helper of this tool.
void SetFigureDirectory (const TString &dirname)
 Set the output directory of the figures produced by this tool.

Private Attributes

std::map< TString, std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvas > > BookedFigure
TString figuredir = "."
std::shared_ptr< FigureStyleHelperstylehelper

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from NAGASH::Tool
 Tool ()=delete
 Tool (const Tool &tool)=delete
 Tool (std::shared_ptr< MSGTool > MSG)
 Tool (Tool &&tool)=delete
virtual ~Tool ()=default
std::shared_ptr< MSGToolMSGUser ()
 return the MSGTool inside.
Tooloperator= (const Tool &tool)=delete
Tooloperator= (Tool &&tool)=delete

Detailed Description

Class for plotting variaous types of figures.

See the following example:

// demonstrate the use of FigureTool
#include "NAGASH/Global.h"
#include "TDatime.h"
using namespace NAGASH;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// prepare histograms
TRandom3 myrandom(0);
TH1D *Gaus0 = new TH1D("Gaus0", "Gaus0", 100, -5, 5);
TH1D *Gaus1 = new TH1D("Gaus1", "Gaus1", 100, -5, 5);
TH1D *Gaus2 = new TH1D("Gaus2", "Gaus2", 100, -5, 5);
TH1D *Gaus3 = new TH1D("Gaus3", "Gaus3", 100, -5, 5);
TH1D *Gaus4 = new TH1D("Gaus4", "Gaus4", 100, -5, 5);
TH1D *Gaus5 = new TH1D("Gaus5", "Gaus5", 100, -5, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
Gaus0->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(0, 1));
Gaus1->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(2, 1));
Gaus2->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(-2, 1));
Gaus3->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(0, 4));
Gaus4->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(0, 0.25));
Gaus5->Fill(myrandom.Gaus(0, 1.01));
std::shared_ptr<MSGTool> MSG = std::make_shared<MSGTool>();
std::shared_ptr<FigureTool> MyFigureTool = std::make_shared<FigureTool>(MSG);
// first plot, 4 pads
auto MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookFigure("Test1.pdf", 5000, 5000);
auto MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad1", 0, 0, 2500, 2500);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus0", Gaus0, "E0");
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("Value", "#frac{G}{G}");
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad2", 2500, 0, 5000, 2500);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus1", Gaus1, "E0");
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad3", 0, 2500, 2500, 5000);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus2", Gaus2, "E0");
// UNKNOWN set the pad left no space for the label and title of this axis
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("UNKNOWN", "Number");
MyPad->SetAxisTitleOffset(0, 5);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad4", 2500, 2500, 5000, 5000);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus0", Gaus0, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus3", Gaus3, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus4", Gaus4, "E0");
// second plot, draw a pad inside another pad
MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookFigure("Test2.pdf", 500, 500);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad0", 0, 0, 500, 500);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus0", Gaus0, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus1", Gaus1, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus2", Gaus2, "E0");
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("Value", "Number");
MyPad->SetAxisTitleOffset(1.2, 5);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("Pad1", 250, 250, 400, 400);
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus0", Gaus0, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus3", Gaus3, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus4", Gaus4, "E0");
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("Value", "Number");
// third plot, usage of hstack and histogram links, also draw in atlas style
TF1 *f1 = new TF1(
"gaus", [](double *x, double *par)
{ return 400 * exp(-x[0] * x[0] / 2); },
-5, 5);
MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookATLASSquare("Test3.pdf");
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("MainPad", 0, 200, 600, 600);
auto hs = MyPad->SetHStack("Gaus1+2", {"Gaus1", "Gaus2"}, "hist");
hs->DrawTotalHist("E2", [](TH1D *h)
h->SetMarkerColorAlpha(1, 0);
h->SetLineColor(1); });
MyPad->SetInputHist1DGraph("Gaus0", Gaus0, "ZP",
[](TGraph *g)
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus1", Gaus1, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus2", Gaus2, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus3", Gaus3, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Gaus5", Gaus5, "E0");
MyPad->SetInputFunc1D("GausFunc", f1, "");
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("UNKNOWN", "Number");
// MyPad->SetGridx();
// MyPad->SetGridy();
// set the legend, user can either the position manually or the tool will
// auto adjust the range of y axis to place the legend
// MyPad->SetYaxisRange(0, 800);
// MyPad->SetLegend("ATLAS Internal", "", 0.2, 0.6, 1, 0.9);
// MyPad->SetLegend("ATLAS Internal #sqrt{s}=13TeV, 140 fb^{-1}");
// draw ATLAS plus the string you given
MyPad->DrawATLASLabel("Internal", 0.19, 0.84, 1);
// draw extra text
MyPad->SetLatex("Test", 0.19, 0.79);
MyPad->SetLatex("Test2", 0.19, 0.74, kRed);
MyPad->SetLatex("Test3", 0.19, 0.69, kBlue);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("SubPad", 0, 0, 600, 200);
MyPad->SetYaxisRange(0.57, 1.43);
MyPad->SetAxisTitleOffset(1.4, 1.7);
// define a hist using the predefined hists
// the first the type, currently support RATIO PULL DELTA CHI2
// then the linked list of hists, divided by '/'
// the last is the drawing option:
// VAL means drawing the value
// ERR means drawing the error
// TOPERR means using the first hist error only
// BOTTEMERR means using the second hist error only
MyPad->SetInputHist1D("Ratio", "RATIO/Gaus0/Gaus0/VAL", "E0");
MyPad->SetInputHist1DGraph("Ratio2", "RATIO/Gaus0/Gaus5/VALERR", "ZP",
[](TGraph *g)
g->SetLineColor(1); });
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("Value", "#frac{Gaus0}{Gaus5}");
// the fourth plot, for 2D hists
TDatime dateBegin(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
TDatime dateEnd(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
auto h1 = new TH2D("h1", "Machine A + B", 12, dateBegin.Convert(), dateEnd.Convert(), 1000, 0, 1000);
auto h2 = new TH2D("h2", "Machine B", 12, dateBegin.Convert(), dateEnd.Convert(), 1000, 0, 1000);
float Rand;
for (int i = dateBegin.Convert(); i < dateEnd.Convert(); i += 86400 * 30)
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
Rand = gRandom->Gaus(500 + sin(i / 10000000.) * 100, 50);
h1->Fill(i, Rand);
Rand = gRandom->Gaus(500 + sin(i / 11000000.) * 100, 70);
h2->Fill(i, Rand);
MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookFigure("Test4.pdf", 5000, 5000);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("MainPad", 0, 0, 5000, 5000);
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("Date [month/year]", "Candle");
// user own setting of axis style
MyPad->SetAxisStyle([](TAxis *Xaxis, TAxis *Yaxis, TAxis *Zaxis)
{ Xaxis->SetNdivisions(510); });
MyPad->SetInputHist2D("Machine A+B", h1, "candle2", [](TH2D *h)
h->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%m/%y"); });
// the last argument is the user's own setting of histogram style
MyPad->SetInputHist2D("Machine B", h2, "candle3", [](TH2D *h)
h->SetFillColor(kGreen); });
// the fifth plot, test for colz option
auto hcol1 = new TH2D("hcol1", "Option COLor example ", 40, -4, 4, 40, -20, 20);
float px, py;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++)
gRandom->Rannor(px, py);
hcol1->Fill(px, 5 * py);
MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookFigure("Test5.pdf", 5000, 5000);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("MainPad", 0, 0, 5000, 5000);
MyPad->SetInputHist2D("col", hcol1, "COLZ");
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("x", "y", "Entries");
// the sixth plot, test for TGraph
double x[100], y1[100], y2[100];
int n = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
x[i] = i * 0.1;
y1[i] = 10 * sin(x[i] + 0.2);
y2[i] = 10 * sin(x[i] + 0.4);
auto g1 = new TGraph(n, x, y1);
auto g2 = new TGraph(n, x, y2);
MyCanvas = MyFigureTool->BookFigure("Test6.pdf", 5000, 5000);
MyPad = MyCanvas->BookPad("MainPad", 0, 0, 5000, 5000);
MyPad->SetInputGraph1D("sin1", g1, "AP"); // you must set "A" option for the first element, if no other elements(THStack, TH1D, TF1) exist
MyPad->SetInputGraph1D("sin2", g2, "P"); // you should only set "A" option once, or it will overwrite the previous plots
MyPad->SetAxisTitle("x", "y");
// draw the figure in one time
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Some global definitions.

Definition at line 511 of file FigureTool.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FigureTool() [1/2]

FigureTool::FigureTool ( std::shared_ptr< MSGTool MSG)

Constructor for FigureTool.

MSGinput MSGTool.

Definition at line 2380 of file FigureTool.cxx.

◆ FigureTool() [2/2]

FigureTool::FigureTool ( std::shared_ptr< MSGTool MSG,
std::shared_ptr< FigureStyleHelper shelper 

Constructor for FigureTool.

MSGinput MSGTool.
shelperuser-defined FigureStyleHelper.

Definition at line 2388 of file FigureTool.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BookATLASRectangular()

std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvas > FigureTool::BookATLASRectangular ( const TString &  figurename)

Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure. The size is 800*600 as recommended by ATLAS.

figurenamename of the new figure.
the pointer to the new FigureCanvas object.

Definition at line 2416 of file FigureTool.cxx.

◆ BookATLASSquare()

std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvas > FigureTool::BookATLASSquare ( const TString &  figurename)

Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure. The size is 600*600 as recommended by ATLAS.

figurenamename of the new figure.
the pointer to the new FigureCanvas object.

Definition at line 2408 of file FigureTool.cxx.

◆ BookFigure()

std::shared_ptr< FigureCanvas > FigureTool::BookFigure ( const TString &  figurename,
int  size_x,
int  size_y 

Book a new FigureCanvas as a new figure.

figurenamename of the new figure.
size_xx-size of the new canvas.
size_yy-size of the new canvas.
the pointer to the new FigureCanvas object.

Definition at line 2398 of file FigureTool.cxx.

◆ DrawFigures()

void FigureTool::DrawFigures ( )

Draw all the figures booked in this tool.

Definition at line 2422 of file FigureTool.cxx.

◆ GetFigureStyleHelper()

std::shared_ptr< FigureStyleHelper > NAGASH::FigureTool::GetFigureStyleHelper ( )

Return the style helper of this tool.

Definition at line 531 of file FigureTool.h.

◆ SetFigureDirectory()

void NAGASH::FigureTool::SetFigureDirectory ( const TString &  dirname)

Set the output directory of the figures produced by this tool.

Definition at line 530 of file FigureTool.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BookedFigure

std::map<TString, std::shared_ptr<FigureCanvas> > NAGASH::FigureTool::BookedFigure

Definition at line 526 of file FigureTool.h.

◆ figuredir

TString NAGASH::FigureTool::figuredir = "."

Definition at line 527 of file FigureTool.h.

◆ stylehelper

std::shared_ptr<FigureStyleHelper> NAGASH::FigureTool::stylehelper

Definition at line 525 of file FigureTool.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: