NAGASH 0.9.8
Next Generation Analysis System
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAnalysisProvide multi-thread interface to manipulate with Job
 CChi2FitterFit the parameters of a \(\chi^2\) shape function
 CChi2FitterFCNFcn function to calculate the \(\chi^2\)
 CConfigToolProvide interface to config objects in NAGASH
 CCountUse CountBase with the interface of provided by NAGASH::Result
 CCountBaseBase class for Count. This class provide a base class for Count. You can also use it if you don't need other functions from NAGASH::Result
 CCutFlowCounterStore the cut flow with user defined cuts
 CEventVectorDeprecated. It's better to use user defined event vector
 CFigureCanvasFigure class for TCanvas. A canvas is the base of your figure where you can define multiple NAGASH::FigurePad objects for drawing all the ingredients
 CFigureFunc1DFigure class for TF1
 CFigureGraph1DFigure class for TGraph
 CFigureHist1DFigure class for TH1D
 CFigureHist2DFigure class for TH2D
 CFigureHStackFigure class for THStack
 CFigureLatexFigure class for TLatex
 CFigurePadFigure class for TPad. This is the class for drawing all the other elements(histograms, graphs, function, etc.) in a figure
 CFigureStyleHelperClass for control the style of the FigureTool, you can define your own FigureStyleHelper by inheriting this class
 CFigureToolClass for plotting variaous types of figures
 CHistBaseVirtual base class for histograms
 CHistToolProvide tools for manipulating ROOT histograms
 CJobVirtual base class for all kinds of jobs inside NAGASH, handled by Analysis
 CKinematicsProvide some static functions to calculate kinematic variables
 CLoopEventVirtual base class for event loops
 CMapToolHelper functions for std::map
 CMSGToolManiplulate all messages of NAGASH
 CMSGTitleGuardUsed to call MSGTool::EndTitle() automatically
 CNGFigureNext Generation Figure Package, now replaced by NAGASH::FigureTool
 CNGHistNAGASH interface for using ROOT histograms
 CPCAToolPCATool : Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
 CPlotGroupProvide a base class for manipulating a group of histograms at the same time
 CProfileFitterTool for conducting profile likelihood fit
 CResultProvide virtual interface to manipulate all the results inside NAGASH
 CResultGroupUsed to manipulate a group of Result objects., especially inside NAGASH::Job
 CSystToolManage systematic variations
 CTemplateFitterFit the contributions use template histograms to a target histogram
 CTFileHelperProvide fast access to ROOT objects inside a TFile
 CThreadPoolLightweight thread pool Modified from
 CTimerCalculate the time interval between two time stamps
 CToolProvide interface for all tools in NAGASH
 CToolkitManipulate the Tool classes, give them correct MSGTool inside NAGASH::Job
 CUncertaintyProvide static functions for calculating uncertainties