NAGASH 0.9.8
Next Generation Analysis System
CAnalysis | Provide multi-thread interface to manipulate with Job |
▼CChi2Fitter | Fit the parameters of a \(\chi^2\) shape function |
CChi2FitterFCN | Fcn function to calculate the \(\chi^2\) |
CCircle | |
CConfigTool | Provide interface to config objects in NAGASH |
CCount | Use CountBase with the interface of provided by NAGASH::Result |
CCountBase | Base class for Count. This class provide a base class for Count. You can also use it if you don't need other functions from NAGASH::Result |
CCutFlowCounter | Store the cut flow with user defined cuts |
CEdge | |
CEventVector | Deprecated. It's better to use user defined event vector |
CFigureCanvas | Figure class for TCanvas. A canvas is the base of your figure where you can define multiple NAGASH::FigurePad objects for drawing all the ingredients |
CFigureElement | |
CFigureFunc1D | Figure class for TF1 |
CFigureGraph1D | Figure class for TGraph |
CFigureHist1D | Figure class for TH1D |
CFigureHist2D | Figure class for TH2D |
CFigureHStack | Figure class for THStack |
CFigureLatex | Figure class for TLatex |
CFigurePad | Figure class for TPad. This is the class for drawing all the other elements(histograms, graphs, function, etc.) in a figure |
CFigureSquareRange | |
CFigureStyleHelper | Class for control the style of the FigureTool, you can define your own FigureStyleHelper by inheriting this class |
CFigureTool | Class for plotting variaous types of figures |
CGraph2DTool | |
CHistBase | Virtual base class for histograms |
CHistTool | Provide tools for manipulating ROOT histograms |
CJob | Virtual base class for all kinds of jobs inside NAGASH, handled by Analysis |
CKinematics | Provide some static functions to calculate kinematic variables |
CLoopEvent | Virtual base class for event loops |
CMapTool | Helper functions for std::map |
▼CMSGTool | Maniplulate all messages of NAGASH |
CMSGTitleGuard | Used to call MSGTool::EndTitle() automatically |
CNGFigure | Next Generation Figure Package, now replaced by NAGASH::FigureTool |
CNGHist | NAGASH interface for using ROOT histograms |
CPCATool | PCATool : Principal Component Analysis (PCA) |
CPlotGroup | Provide a base class for manipulating a group of histograms at the same time |
CPoint | |
▼CProfileFitter | Tool for conducting profile likelihood fit |
▼CObservable | |
CSample | |
CParameter | |
CProfileCache | |
CResult | Provide virtual interface to manipulate all the results inside NAGASH |
CResultGroup | Used to manipulate a group of Result objects., especially inside NAGASH::Job |
▼CSystTool | Manage systematic variations |
CAuxVar | |
CVarWithSyst | |
▼CTemplateFitter | Fit the contributions use template histograms to a target histogram |
CTemplateFitterFCN | |
CTFileHelper | Provide fast access to ROOT objects inside a TFile |
CThreadPool | Lightweight thread pool Modified from |
CTimer | Calculate the time interval between two time stamps |
CTool | Provide interface for all tools in NAGASH |
CToolkit | Manipulate the Tool classes, give them correct MSGTool inside NAGASH::Job |
CTriangle | |
CUncertainty | Provide static functions for calculating uncertainties |
CUnfoldTool |