The You Group: Controlled Polymerization&Biomaterials 
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Controlled Polymerization

The design and synthesis of well-defined polymers is one of the most importance challenge to achieve complex function in polymer chemistry inspired by natural macromolecules like DNA and protein. Therefor, our group focus on construction of functional polymers with well-defined architecture using multicomponent reactions, photoinduced living polymerization and ring-open polymerization.

Drug delivery

 Drug delivery refers to approaches, fo mmmmmmm     Drug delivery refers to approaches, formulations, technologies, and systems for transporting a pharmaceutical compound in the body as needed to safely achieve its desired therapeutic effect. In our lab, we are aiming to get new structure and function polymers by several living polymerization. In particular, gene therapy and cancer therapy.

               We have published articles in those journals:

热烈祝贺张泽博士在Nature Communication上发表研究文章!


  University of Science and Technology of China                              School of Chemistry and Materials Science,USTC                              CAS Key Lab of Soft Matter Chemistry