Qing Fang (方清)

Graphics&Geometric Computing Laboratory
School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

Room 1203, Management and Research Building
East Campus, University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui, 230026, P.R.China

Email: fq1208 AT mail.ustc.edu.cn


I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate at University of Science and Technology of China, supervised by Prof. Ligang Liu and Dr. Xiao-Ming Fu. Before that, I also received my Bachelor of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2015.

Research interests

Geometric processing, Conformal geometry, 3D fabrication, etc.


Computing Sparse Cones with Bounded Distortion for Conformal Parameterizations
Qing Fang, Wenqing Ouyang, Mo Li, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 40(6), 2021.
[Code] [Data] [DOI]
Inversion-free Geometric Mapping Construction: A Survey
Xiao-Ming Fu, Jian-Ping Su, Zheng-Yu Zhao, Qing Fang, Chunyang Ye, Ligang Liu
Computational Visual Media, 2021.
Metric First Reconstruction for Interactive Curvature-aware Modeling
Qing Fang, Zheng-Yu Zhao, Zhong-Yuan Liu, Ligang Liu, Xiao-Ming Fu
Computer-Aided Design (SPM), 2020. Best Paper Award, 3rd Place
[Code] [Slide] [DOI]
Support-Free Hollowing for 3D Printing via Voronoi Diagram of Ellipses
Mokwon Lee, Qing Fang, Joonghyun Ryu, Ligang Liu, Deok-Soo Kim
Computer-Aided Design, 101: 23-36, 2018.