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Basic Structures of Solid Materials

014007.01 Fall 2023

Basic Information

Advisor: Prof. Pingwu Du & Assoc. Prof. Wenhua Zhang
Credit: 3
Hours: 60
Week: 1~18
15:55~18:20, Monday
Room: 2406, East Campus
Space Groups for Solid State Scientists (3rd Edition)
,  Michael Glazer & Gerald Burns, Academic Press, 2016.    Download
Reference Books:
Fundamentals of Crystallography, Shan Qin, Peking University Press, 2006.
Fundamentals of X-ray Crystallography (2nd Edition)), Dongcai Liang, Science Press, 2006.
Space Groups for Solid State Scientists (1st Edition, Chinese Ver.), Written by Gerald Burns & Michael Glazer, Translated by Wenhai Yu & Gui'en Zhou, Science Press, 1984.
Lecture Notes of Crystallography, Gui'en Zhou, University of Science and Technology of China, 1980.
Modern Crystallography 1: Fundamentals of Crystals - Symmetry and Methods of Structure Crystallograhy (2nd Edition, Chinese Ver.), Written by Boris K. ainshtein, Translated by Ziqin Wu & Xia Sun, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2011.
Click here to download some of the books.
Learning Guidance: Guidance Manual for Basic Structures of Solid Materials    Download
Teaching Assistant: Yixuan Che
QQ Group: 540091812
Final Evaluation: 4.98/5.00 (Rank 4)


Chapter 1  Points, Lines, and Planes in Crystal
  • Basic concepts of crystallography
  • Point, line, and plane index
  • Calculation of crystal bands and crystal planes
  • Stereographic projection
Chapter 2  Point Symmetric Operation
  • Rotations
  • Mirrors
  • Symmetric center
  • Combination of symmetric elements
Chapter 3  Crystal System and Point Group
  • Group theories
  • Seven 3D crystal systems
  • Crystallographic and molecular point groups
Chapter 4  Bravais Lattice

Chapter 5  Non-Point Symmetric Operation
  • Translation
  • Screw axis
  • Glide plane
Chapter 6  Space Group
  • 73 point space groups
  • 230 space groups
  • 17 plane groups
  • Top view diagrams
  • Wyckoff positions
  • International Table of Crystallography
Chapter 7  Atom packing

Click here to download all the slides.

Learning Guidance

Lecture 1  Basic of Crystallography

Lecture 2  Point, Lines, and Planes in Crystal

Lecture 3  Crystal Projection

Lecture 4  Point Symmetric Operation

Lecture 5  Group Theory

Lecture 6  Crystal System

Lecture 7  Molecular Point Group
Lecture 8  Crystallographic Point Group

Lecture 9  Bravais Lattice

Lecture 10  Non-Point Symmetric Operation

Lecture 11  Space Group

Lecture 12  Plane Group

Lecture 13  International Tables of Crystallography

Click here to download the guidance.

Recitation Class

Mid-term (Chapters 1~3)
Time: 17:15~18:30, Oct 23, 2023
Classroom: 2406, East Campus
Final (Chapters 1~7)
Time: 17:15~18:30, Dec 25, 2023
Classroom: 2406, East Campus


Mid-term (Chapters 1~3)

Time: 16:00~18:00, Oct 30, 2023
Classroom: 2406, East Campus
Max: 99    Mean: 79.8

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Final (Chapters 1~7)

Time: 14:30~16:30, Jan 10, 2024
Classroom: 2103, East Campus
Max: 98.5    Mean: 77.3

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You are welcome to get communication with me at any time. Feel free to contact me by e-mail. Just click the botton below!

Get In Touch
Yixuan Che
University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale
96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China