Qijing Zheng

Plotly: Spherical Harmonics

Introduction In mathematics and physical science, spherical harmonics are special functions defined on the surface of a sphere. The spherical harmonics form a complete set of orthogonal functions...

Plotly: Tight-binding Model for Graphene

Honeycomb lattice of graphene The unit cell of graphene’s lattice consists of two different types of sites, which we will refer to as $A$ and $B$ sites (see Figure 1). ...

Plotly: 1D Diatomic Chain Dispersion

1D Diatomic Chain Dispersion Consider a 1D chain with two atoms in the unit cell 1D diatomic chain. two sublattices. Genera...

Transforming Between Supercell and Primitive Cell

Primitive Cell to Supercell Suppose the transformation matrix between the primitive cell ($\mathbf{A}$) and the supercell ($\mathbf{a}$) is $M$, i.e. \[ \mathbf{A} = M\cdot \mathbf{a} \] For ...

VASP: Stacking-dependent Potential Energy Surface of Bilayer MoS2

Introduction A few days ago, I met a problem so that I needed to calculate the stacking-dependent energy of bilayer MoS2. As is shown in the figure below, by shifting one of the two layers relati...

TikZ: Visible Light Spectrum

Visible light spectrum In this post, I will try to use TikZ to plot schematics of visible light spectrum. First, we must find out the proper function that represents the varying wavelength of the ...

TikZ: Schematics of e-ph Matrix in Wannier Representation

Schematics of e-ph Matrix in Wannier Representation I was reading this article on electron-phonon interaction using Wannier functions when I noticed that Fig. 2 therein looks very simple and tha...

How to Plot the First Brillouin Zone

Introduction The first Brillouin Zone (BZ) is the Wigner-Seitz cell of the reciprocal lattice, which can be constructed by applying Voronoi decomposition to a lattice. Th...

Plotting Laser Pulses

Generated by TikZ/LaTeX. Introduction In this post, I will try to plot laser pulse using different methods. A laser pulse is often represented by a...