Welcome to Dong Group

This is the Single-Molecule Optoelectronics Group (SMOG) at Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Our research focuses on the optoelectronic behavior of single molecules in a nanoscopic environment, such as single-molecule electroluminescence and photoluminescence, single-molecule Raman scattering, and nanoscale energy transfer. The goal is to understand the microscopic mechanism of single molecular optoelectronic effects, single-molecule physics and chemistry, single-molecule nanoplasmonics, and nanoscale optoelectronic integration.


2024.12.20: Rui Zhu and Xiao-Ru Dong publish in Nano Letters! (Title: Revealing Single-Molecule Photocurrent Generation Mechanisms under On- and Off-Resonance Excitation)

2024.12.06: Professor Li-Min Tong visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.11.27: Yu Han, Li Dong and Lu-Yao Zhu publish in Journal of the American Chemical Society! (Title: Real-Space Spectral Determination of Short Single-Stranded DNA Sequence Structures) X-MOL News

2024.11.25: Professor Rubén Esteban visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.09.19: Professor Bin Ren visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.09.09: Professor Naresh Kumar visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.09.01: 欢迎张瑞琦、焦承乾同学加入单分子光电子学研究组,开启研究生学习之旅!

2024.03.28: Professor Da-Qing Wang visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.02.23: Yang Luo and Fan-Fang Kong publish in Nature Communications!   (Title: Anomalously bright single-molecule upconversion electroluminescence) USTC News
Editors' Highlights: Devices

2024.01.29: Professors Jun Yi and Chao Zhan visited our group and delivered exciting lectures!

2024.01.17: Qiu-Shi Meng and Jun-Xian Zhang publish in Science Advances!  (Title: Local heating and Raman thermometry in a single molecule)

2023.12.07: Professor Ji-Xin Cheng visited our group and delivered an exciting lecture!

2023.09.15: Professor Tao Wang visited our group and delivered an exciting lecture!

2023.09.01: 欢迎王鸣宇、张逸浩、王子涵同学加入单分子光电子学研究组,开启研究生学习之旅!

2023.04.25: Professor Jing-Tao Lü visited our group and delivered an exciting lecture!

2023.03.15: Professor Pei-Ning Li visited our group and delivered an exciting lecture!

2023.02.18: Ben Yang and Gong Chen publish in Angewandte Chemie International Edition!  (Title: Chemical Enhancement and Quenching in Single-Molecule Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) X-MOL News

2023.02.10: Professor Yu He visited our group and delivered an exciting lecture!

2023.02.06: A joint review article is published in Chem. Rev.!  (Title: Toward a New Era of SERS and TERS at the Nanometer Scale: From Fundamentals to Innovative Applications)

2022.12.01: Xiao-Ru Dong and Ben Yang publish in Light: Advanced Manufacturing!  (Title: Tip-induced bond weakening, tilting, and hopping of a single CO molecule on Cu(100)) LAM News
News & Views in Light: Science & Applications

2022.11.15: Xian-Biao Zhang publish in Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics!  (Title: Fast fabrication and judgement of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy-active tips)

2022.09.05: 祝贺杨犇博士的博士学位论文《埃级分辨的单分子拉曼和光致发光成像研究》被评为2022年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文!

2022.09.01: 欢迎李刚、刘轩辰、沈予曦、胡莉莉、卢易儒、常顺强、王凯同学加入单分子光电子学研究组,开启研究生学习之旅!

2022.07.18: Rui-Pu Wang and Chun-Rui Hu publish in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C!  (Title: Sub-Nanometer Resolved Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of a Single Molecule on the Si (111) Substrate)

2022.06.06: Fan-Fang Kong, Xiao-Jun Tian publish in Nature Nanotechnology! (Title: Wavelike electronic energy transfer in donor–acceptor molecular systems through quantum coherence) News & Views

2021.10.15: 祝贺杨犇、孔繁芳、经士浩获得VASSCAA-10暨中国真空学会2021学术年会会议最佳poster奖!

2021.09.01: 欢迎朱路遥、冒文杰、崔杰、张月箐、韩瑞麟同学加入单分子光电子学研究组,开启研究生学习之旅!

2021.06.23: 祝贺杨犇博士的博士学位论文《埃级分辨的单分子拉曼和光致发光成像研究》入选2021年度中国科学技术大学优秀博士学位论文!

2021.04.25: 祝贺“亚纳米分辨的单分子光致发光成像”入选“2020年度中国光学十大进展-基础研究类”!

2021.04.16: 祝贺杨犇博士获得2020年度第二批次“墨子杰出青年特资津贴”一等资助!

2021.02.24: Fan-Fang Kong and Xiao-Jun Tian publish in Nature Communications! (Title: Probing intramolecular vibronic coupling through vibronic-state imaging)

2021.02.16: Rui-Pu Wang, Ben Yang and Qiang Fu publish in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters! (Title: Raman Detection of Bond Breaking and Making of a Chemisorbed Up-Standing Single Molecule at Single-Bond Level)

2020.08.10: Ben Yang and Gong Chen publish in Nature Photonics! (Title: Sub-nanometre resolution in single-molecule photoluminescence imaging)

2019.06.12: Yang Luo and Gong Chen publish in Physical Review Letters! (Title: Electrically Driven Single-Photon Superradiance from Molecular Chains in a Plasmonic Nanocavity)

2019.04.08: Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar, from Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany, visited our Lab!

2019.04.02: Gong Chen and Yang Luo publish in Physical Review Letters! (Title: Spin-Triplet-Mediated Up-Conversion and Crossover Behavior in Single-Molecule Electroluminescence)


2018.08.31: 祝贺骆阳同学的博士学位论文被评为2018年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文!

2018.05.29: Prof. Xinggui Gu, from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, visited our Lab!

2018.05.10: Qiushi Meng wins support from Postdoctoral Science Foundation!

2018.03.14: Prof. Takashi Uchihashi, from National Institute for Materials Science (Japan), visited our Lab!

2018.01.16: Prof. Ting Mei, from Northwestern Polytechnical University, visited our Lab!

2017.11.17: Jiang Song publishes in Light: Science & Applications! (Title: Subnanometer-resolved chemical imaging via multivariate analysis of tip-enhanced Raman maps)

2017.09.30: 祝贺江嵩同学的博士学位论文被评为2016年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文!

2017.09.18: Li Zhang and Yun-Jie Yu publish in Nature Communications! (Title: Electrically driven single-photon emission from an isolated single molecule)

2017.08.31: 祝贺骆阳同学荣获2017年度中国科学院院长优秀奖!

2017.05.19: Yao Zhang publish in Nature Communications! (Title: Sub-nanometre control of the coherent interaction between a single molecule and a plasmonic nanocavity)

2017.04.10: Rui Zhang and Xian-Biao Zhang publish in Angewandte Chemie! (Title: Distinguishing individual DNA bases in a network by non-resonant tip-enhanced Raman scattering)

2016.09.30: 祝贺张尧同学的博士学位论文被评为2016年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文!

2016.06.27: Meng-Han Liao publish in Nano letters! (Title: Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopic imaging of individual carbon nanotubes with subnanometer resolution)

2016.03.30: Yang Zhang and Yang Luo publish in Nature! (Title: Visualizing coherent intermolecular dipole--dipole coupling in real space)

2015.07.27: Song Jiang publish in Nature Nanotechnology! (Title: Distinguishing adjacent molecules on a surface using plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering)

2014.10.31: 祝贺张瑞同学的博士学位论文被评为2014年度中国科学院优秀博士学位论文!

2014.10.31: 祝贺张尧同学荣获2014年度中国科学院院长特别奖!

2013.09.25: San-E Zhu and Yan-Min Kuang publish in Journal of the American Chemical Society! (Title: Self-decoupled porphyrin with a tripodal anchor for molecular-scale electroluminescence)

2013.08.31: 祝贺张尧同学荣获第八届中国青少年科技创新奖!

2013.06.05: Rui Zhang and Yao Zhang publish in Nature! (Title: Chemical mapping of a single molecule by plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering)

2009.12.20: Zhen-Chao Dong, Xiao-Lei Zhang and Hong-Ying Zhang publish in Nature Photonics! (Title: Generation of molecular hot electroluminescence by resonant nanocavity plasmons)