@article {Yang_PG_2019,
title = {Computing Surface PolyCube-Maps by Constrained Voxelization},
author = {Yang Yang and Xiao-Ming Fu and Ligang Liu},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics)},
volume = {38},
number = {7},
year = {2019},

@article {YangCM2018,
title = {Volume-Enhanced Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models},
author = {Yang Yang and Xiao-Ming Fu and Shuangming Chai and Shi-Wei Xiao and Ligang Liu},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
year = {2018},

@article {ChaiCut2018,
title = {Sphere-based Cut Construction for Planar Parameterizations},
author = {Shuangming Chai and Xiao-Ming Fu and Xin Hu and Yang Yang and Ligang Liu},
journal = {Computer & Graphics (SMI 2018)},
volume = {74},
pages = {66-75},
year = {2018},

@article {YangISF2017,
title = {Computing interior support-free structure via hollow-to-fill construction},
author = {Yang Yang and Chuangming Chai and Xiao-Ming Fu},
journal = {Computers & Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2017)},
volume = {70},
pages = {148-156},
year = {2018},