If you find any mistakes or have any questions, please email me at wyx_mail@mail.ustc.edu.cn.

Also the first two entries is only related to my own homepage, you will not need to check if you only want to get information of this course.

1.Textbook and References



[0] is the textbook of our course.
It's recommended using [1] before exams to do more exercises and learn some tricks (the second half of [1] is more difficult).
[0]&[1] are totally enough for our course if you only want to get a good grade.
[2],[3] is the textbook and solutions of textbook for students at the Department of Mathematics.
[4] is the textbook and solutions of textbook for most students in Chinese mainland who are not major in math (but don't read for many reasons).
[5] avoids determinants until the very end. Also, by developing the theory of linear transformations first, then about matrices, it really emphasizes a key thought to keep in mind with linear Algebra.Think in terms of linear transformations, compute with matrices. (commented by another Senior)
[6] also put the linear space and linear transformations in the first place and also it's the textbook for students at Caltech.
[7] is an interesting book. It helps me to understand many questions in linear algebra.
[8] is a classical lecture from a teaching assistant in Peking University and is also used in the recitation class of linear algebra b2 in 2021 fall.
[9] is the textbook and solutions of textbook for students at the Department of Mathematics at Fudan University.
You can read [10] if you like. It gives some applications of linear algebra in other subjects.

2.Video Resources


3.Previous Years' Exam Papers

From my point of view, these papers and solutions will help you get a good grade, but can not help you learn linear algebra. Thus you only need to check if you are preparing for the midterm exam and the final exam.

Also thanks for many seniors, they organized all of these resources.

Paper List


Some Useful Links

Relates to LaTex

Overleaf, LaTex formula editor, LaTex tables generator

Relates to Math

Mathematics Stack Exchange

Relates to USTC

USTC, 中科大教务处, USTC Life, School of the Gifted Young,

Some Seniors' Homepage (which help me a lot)

Junyan Zhang's homepage (章俊彦), Weiyu Li's homepage(李卫雨),
Zhehang Du's homepage(杜哲航), Tianyang Sun's homepage(孙天阳)

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General Contact Information.

TELEPHONE : 18080052146
Emailing : wyx_mail@mail.ustc.edu.cn
QQ : 1500268631