Welcome to Yixiao Wang's Homepage!

The school emblem of USTC

A Place to Record My Study Life

Simple Profile

This is Yixiao Wang (王怿骁),a junior student from the University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) majoring in probability and statistics in the Department of Mathematics.
Hometown: Chengdu City,Sichuang Province,Mainland of China, which is known as the panda's hometown!

Purpose of Building My Homepage

The thought of building this homepage is based on the belief that 'Do good, Good will come.'. Since I am a sophomore, the courses are getting much more difficult than before. I do want to share my study notes,education resources here. It can be an effective way to encourage me to work hard and practice more in coding by LaTeX on the one hand. On the other hand, I also want to leave something useful for junior schoolmates, so that maybe they can do better than I do!

Some Useful Links

Relates to LaTex

Overleaf, LaTex formula editor, LaTex tables generator

Relates to Math

Mathematics Stack Exchange

Relates to USTC

USTC, 中科大教务处, USTC Life, School of the Gifted Young,

Some Seniors' Homepage (which help me a lot)

Junyan Zhang's homepage (章俊彦), Weiyu Li's homepage(李卫雨),
Zhehang Du's homepage(杜哲航), Tianyang Sun's homepage(孙天阳)

Visitor Volume:

General Contact Information.

TELEPHONE : 18080052146
Emailing : wyx_mail@mail.ustc.edu.cn
QQ : 1500268631