Welcome to Xin Ren's Homepage

Hi, this is Xin Ren (任鑫), a CSC Post-doctor at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech).

Contact Details

Address: H187, Main Bldg, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Ookayama campus, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551, JAPAN.

Telephone: +81-080-8125-9056
Email Address: ren.x.aa@m.titech.ac.jp

Resrarch experience

Mar.2023- Now

CSC post-doctor fellow
Theoretical Cosmology Group, Department of Physics
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Oct.2022- Now

Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China


2017.09- 2022.06

Ph.D in Astronomy
Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences
University of Science and Technology of China

Major : Cosmology     the Particle Cosmology Group at USTC
Supervisor : Prof. Yi-Fu Cai


Bachelor of Sciences in Physics
Poling class of Physics
Nankai University

 Download CV


My research interests include the exploration of the dynamical history of the universe, especially the dark energy models, modified gravity and the test of candidate theories on different scales.
My research interest focuses on the following topics:

1) Torsion gravity, non-metric gravity and modified gravity theory.
2) Dark energy models and dynamical history of the universe.
3) Use observational data to reconstruct or constrain the various theoretical models and distinguish different theories on different scales.


Please visit the INSPIRE for details

  1. Observational test for f(Q) gravity with weak gravitational lensing
  2. Qingqing Wang, Xin Ren, Yi-Fu Cai, Wentao Luo, Emmanuel N. Saridakis.
    [arxiv:2406.00242 [astro-ph.CO]]

  3. Testing Cotton gravity as dark matter substitute with weak lensing
  4. Geyu Mo, Qingqing Wang, Xin Ren, Weitong Yan, Yen Chin Ong et al.
    [arxiv:2405.07215 [astro-ph.CO]]

  5. Quintom cosmology and modified gravity after DESI 2024
  6. Yuhang Yang, Xin Ren, Qingqing Wang, Zhiyu Lu, Dongdong Zhang et al.
    [arxiv:2404.19437 [astro-ph.CO]]

  7. Quasinormal modes of black holes in f(T) gravity
  8. Yaqi Zhao, Xin Ren, Amara Ilyas, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Yi-Fu Cai.
    JCAP 10 (2022) 087. [arxiv:2204.11169 [gr-qc]]


  • Oral presentation
  • 2024.03

    “The Covariance in Teleparallel theory””
    Joint workshop on General Relativity and Cosmology 2024, Chiba, Japan


    “Spherically symmetric solution and lensing effects in covariant f(T) gravity”
    International Conference on Modified Gravity 2023, Wuhan, China


    “Spherically symmetric solution and lensing effects in covariant f(T) gravity”
    CAS-JSPS-IBS CTPU-CGA 2023 Summer Workshop on Cosmology, Gravity, Particle Physics, Sapporo, Japan


    “Data-driven Reconstruction of the Late-time Cosmic Acceleration with f(T) Gravity”
    Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Online


    “Spherically symmetric solutions in covariant and pure tetrad formulation of f(T) gravity - II”
    Workshop-Seminar: Covariance in Teleparallel Gravity, Online


    “Data-driven Reconstruction of the Late-time Cosmic Acceleration with f(T) Gravity”
    2021 CQU & USTC Junior Cosmology Symposium, Chongqing, China


    “Reconstruct the history of the universe in f(T) gravity through observational data”
    Autumn workshop on gravity and cosmology, Warsaw, Poland


    “21 cm line signal at cosmic dawn with Interacting dark energy”
    2019 Symposium on Frontiers in Theoretical Physics, Lanzhou, China


    “Cosmic dawn and running vacuum models”
    Zhuhai Cosmology Winter Workshop 2018, Zhuhai, China

  • Visiting Talks
  • 2023.11

    “Data-driven reconstruction in teleparallel cosmology”
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China


    “f(T) gravity model and its application in cosmology”
    Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

      See More

    Relevant Experiences


    Research assistant with Prof. Yi-Fu Cai, USTC

    2020 Fall

    Teaching Assistant of Space and Time (022172) with Prof. Yi-Fu Cai, USTC


    Internship at Warsaw university with Prof. Chunshan Lin


    Internship at University of Sydney with Prof. Geraint F. Lewis


    Internship at Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences with Prof. Sergei Maydanyuk and Prof. Pengming Zhang


    Conference Volunteer of 2018 CfA@USTC Junior Cosmology Symposium: Gravitational Waves and Early Universe


    Volunteer of the first summer camp of astronomy Department of USTC

    Selected awards and honors

    Academic related


    PetroChina Scholarship


    Doctoral First-class academic scholarship in USTC


    Master's First-class academic scholarship in USTC


    Merit student in Nankai University


    The Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences scholarship


    The 11th Nankai University Characteristic Dormitory "Learning Dormitory"


    The 10th Nankai University Characteristic Dormitory "Learning Dormitory"


    The 9th Nankai University Characteristic Dormitory "Learning Dormitory"

    Non-Academic related


    Team first prize of autumn Badminton competition of School of Physics, USTC


    Best Rookie team award in volleyball Option class competition, NKU

    • The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible

      —— Albert Einstein
    • Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.

      —— Theodore Roosevelt

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