Maoran Jiang

I am currently pursuing the doctorate degree with the School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, supervised by Prof. Wei Gong. I received the B.S. degree in the School of Computer science and Engineering, South China University of Technology.

Research Interests:

  • Wireless network communication and Internet-of-Things applications.
  • Backscatter networks.

Main Publications:

Efficient Two-Way Edge Backscatter with Commodity Bluetooth

Maoran Jiang, Xin Liu, Dong Li, Wei Gong


Dances with Blues: Harnessing Multi-Frequency Carriers for Commodity Bluetooth Backscatter

Maoran Jiang, Wei Gong

ACM, CoNEXT 2023

Bidirectional Bluetooth Backscatter with Edges

Maoran Jiang, Wei Gong

IEEE, TMC 2023

Enabling High-Goodput Backscatter Communication with Commodity BLE

Maoran Jiang, Yunyun Feng, Amiya Nayak, Wei Gong

IEEE, ICC 2022

