We live in a twilight world, and there are no friends at dusk.

Personal Statement

Research Interests:
Database Indexes and KVStores for New Hardware

2019.9 ~ 2024.6 University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Computer Science, Ph.D.
2015.6 ~ 2019.6 University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Computer Science, B.S.

My name is Yongping Luo, and I earned my PhD degree in USTC KDELab (Knowledge and Data Engineering Laboratory), advised by Professor Peiquan Jin. My research focuses on Key Value Store and Database Management under Modern Hardware. I have published several papers related to Intel DC Persistent Memory, ZNS SSDs, and other new hardware technologies.
I am currently with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., focusing on new databases for modern Hardware&Software trends.


Selected Publications
