URL | https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.263004 |
摘要 | 我们证明了在一般情况下电子波恩-奥本海默波函数中的分子Berry相位和相应的非解析性不是真正的完整电子-原子核薛定谔方程精确解的拓扑特征。我们对于一个数值精确可解的模型证明了它的非解析性和对应的几何相位只出现在核质量无穷大的极限中。而对于任何有限核质量的情况,它都是完美光滑的 |
URL | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.075414 |
摘要 | To understand recent works on classical and quantum spin equations and their topological classification, we develop a unified mathematical framework for bosonic Bogoliubov–de Gennes (BdG) systems and associated classical wave equations; it applies not just to equations that describe quantized spin excitations in magnonic crystals but more broadly to other systems that are described by a BdG Hamiltonian. Because here the generator of dynamics, the analog of the Hamiltonian, is para-Hermitian (also known as pseudo- or Krein-Hermitian) but not Hermitian, the theory of Krein spaces plays a crucial role. For systems which are thermodynamically stable, the classical equations can be expressed as a “Schrödinger equation” with a Hermitian Hamiltonian. We then apply the Cartan-Altland-Zirnbauer classification scheme: To properly understand what topological class these equations belong to, we need to conceptually distinguish between symmetries and constraints. Complex conjugation enters as a particle-hole constraint (as opposed to a symmetry), since classical waves are necessarily real-valued. Because of this distinction, only commuting symmetries enter in the topological classification. Our arguments show that the equations for spin waves in magnonic crystals are a system of class A, the same topological class as quantum Hamiltonians describing the integer quantum Hall effect. Consequently, the magnonic edge modes first predicted by Shindou et al. [Phys. Rev. B 87, 174427 (2013)] are indeed analogs of the quantum Hall effect, and their net number is topologically protected. |
URL | https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2016.0265 |
摘要 | We give the global homotopy classification of nematic textures for a general domain with weak anchoring boundary conditions and arbitrary defect set in terms of twisted cohomology, and give an explicit computation for the case of knotted and linked defects in \(R_3\), showing that the distinct homotopy classes have a 1–1 correspondence with the first homology group of the branched double cover, branched over the disclination loops. We show further that the subset of those classes corresponding to elements of order 2 in this group has representatives that are planar and characterize the obstruction for other classes in terms of merons. The planar textures are a feature of the global defect topology that is not reflected in any local characterization. Finally, we describe how the global classification relates to recent experiments on nematic droplets and how elements of order 4 relate to the presence of τ lines in cholesterics. |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1070/PU1988v031n03ABEH005710 |
摘要 | The fundamental concepts of the homotopy theory of defects in liquid crystals and the results of experimental studies in this field are presented. The concepts of degeneracy space, homotopy groups, and topological charge, which are used for classifying the topologically stable inhomogeneous distributions in different liquid-crystalline phases are examined (uni and biaxial nematics, cholesterics, smectics, and columnar phases). Experimental data are given for the different mesophases on the structure and properties of dislocations, disclinations, point defects in the volume (hedgehogs) and on the surface of the medium (boojums), monopoles, domain formations, and solitons. Special attention is paid to the results of studies of defects in closed volumes (spherical drops, cylindrical capillaries), and to the connection between the topological charges of these defects and the character of the orientation of the molecules of the liquid crystal at the surface. A set of fundamentally new effects that can occur in studying the topological properties of defects in liquid crystals is discussed. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.205417 |
摘要 | We revisit the problem of classifying topological band structures in non-Hermitian systems. Recently, a solution has been proposed, which is based on redefining the notion of energy band gap in two different ways, leading to the so-called “point-gap” and “line-gap” schemes. However, simple Hamiltonians without band degeneracies can be constructed which correspond to neither of the two schemes. Here, we resolve this shortcoming of the existing classifications by developing the most general topological characterization of non-Hermitian bands for systems without a symmetry. Our approach, which is based on homotopy theory, makes no particular assumptions on the band gap, and predicts significant extensions to the previous classification frameworks. In particular, we show that the one-dimensional invariant generalizes from \(\mathcal{Z}\) winding number to the non-Abelian braid group, and that depending on the braid group invariants, the two-dimensional invariants can be cyclic groups \(\mathcal{Z}_n\)(rather than \(\mathcal{Z}\)Chern number). We interpret these results in terms of a correspondence with gapless systems, and we illustrate them in terms of analogies with other problems in band topology, namely, the fragile topological invariants in Hermitian systems and the topological defects and textures of nematic liquids. |
DOI | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1070/PU1988v031n03ABEH005710 |
摘要 | The fundamental concepts of the homotopy theory of defects in liquid crystals and the results of experimental studies in this field are presented. The concepts of degeneracy space, homotopy groups, and topological charge, which are used for classifying the topologically stable inhomogeneous distributions in different liquid-crystalline phases are examined (uni and biaxial nematics, cholesterics, smectics, and columnar phases). Experimental data are given for the different mesophases on the structure and properties of dislocations, disclinations, point defects in the volume (hedgehogs) and on the surface of the medium (boojums), monopoles, domain formations, and solitons. Special attention is paid to the results of studies of defects in closed volumes (spherical drops, cylindrical capillaries), and to the connection between the topological charges of these defects and the character of the orientation of the molecules of the liquid crystal at the surface. A set of fundamentally new effects that can occur in studying the topological properties of defects in liquid crystals is discussed. |
DOI | https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.04819 |
摘要 | We classify topological phases of non-Hermitian systems in the Altland-Zirnbauer classes with an additional reflection symmetry in all dimensions. By mapping the non-Hermitian system into an enlarged Hermitian Hamiltonian with an enforced chiral symmetry, our topological classification is thus equivalent to classifying Hermitian systems with both chiral and reflection symmetries, which effectively change the classifying space and shift the periodical table of topological phases. According to our classification tables, we provide concrete examples for all topologically nontrivial non-Hermitian classes in one dimension and also give explicitly the topological invariant for each nontrivial example. Our results show that there exist two kinds of topological invariants composed of either winding numbers or Z2 numbers. By studying the corresponding lattice models under the open boundary condition, we unveil the existence of bulk-edge correspondence for the one-dimensional topological non-Hermitian systems characterized by winding numbers, however we did not observe the bulk-edge correspondence for the Z2 topological number in our studied Z2-type model. |
DOI | https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.1703863 |
摘要 | Using mathematical tools developed by Hermann Weyl, the Wigner classification of group‐representations and co‐representations is clarified and extended. The three types of representation, and the three types of co‐representation, are shown to be directly related to the three types of division algebra with real coefficients, namely, the real numbers, complex numbers, and quaternions. The author's theory of matrix ensembles, in which again three possible types were found, is shown to be in exact correspondence with the Wigner classification of co‐representations. In particular, it is proved that the most general kind of matrix ensemble, defined with a symmetry group which may be completely arbitrary, reduces to a direct product of independent irreducible ensembles each of which belongs to one of the three known types. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.55.1142 |
摘要 | Normal-conducting mesoscopic systems in contact with a superconductor are classified by the symmetry operations of time reversal and rotation of the electron's spin. Four symmetry classes are identified, which correspond to Cartan's symmetric spaces of type C, CI, D, and DIII. A detailed study is made of the systems where the phase shift due to Andreev reflection averages to zero along a typical semiclassical single-electron trajectory. Such systems are particularly interesting because they do not have a genuine excitation gap but support quasiparticle states close to the chemical potential. Disorder or dynamically generated chaos mixes the states and produces forms of universal level statistics different from Wigner-Dyson. For two of the four universality classes, the n-level correlation functions are calculated by the mapping on a free one-dimensional Fermi gas with a boundary. The remaining two classes are related to the Laguerre orthogonal and symplectic random-matrix ensembles. For a quantum dot with a normal-metal–superconducting geometry, the weak-localization correction to the conductance is calculated as a function of sticking probability and two perturbations breaking time-reversal symmetry and spin-rotation invariance. The universal conductance fluctuations are computed from a maximum-entropy S-matrix ensemble. They are larger by a factor of 2 than what is naively expected from the analogy with normal-conducting systems. This enhancement is explained by the doubling of the number of slow modes: owing to the coupling of particles and holes by the proximity to the superconductor, every cooperon and diffusion mode in the advanced-retarded channel entails a corresponding mode in the advanced-advanced (or retarded-retarded) channel. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prx/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevX.11.011041 |
摘要 | Topological superconductors (TSCs) are correlated quantum states with simultaneous off-diagonal long-range order and nontrivial topological invariants. They produce gapless or zero-energy boundary excitations, including Majorana zero modes and chiral Majorana edge states with topologically protected phase coherence essential for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Candidate TSCs are very rare in nature. Here, we propose a novel route toward emergent quasi-one-dimensional (1D) TSCs in naturally embedded quantum structures such as atomic line defects in unconventional spin-singlet s-wave and d-wave superconductors. We show that inversion symmetry breaking and charge transfer due to the missing atoms lead to the occupation of incipient impurity bands and mixed-parity spin-singlet and -triplet Cooper pairing of neighboring electrons traversing the line defect. Nontrivial topological invariants arise and occupy a large part of the parameter space, including the time-reversal symmetry-breaking Zeeman coupling due to applied magnetic field or defect-induced magnetism, creating TSCs in different topological classes with robust Majorana zero modes at both ends of the line defect. Beyond providing a novel mechanism for the recent discovery of zero-energy bound states at both ends of an atomic line defect in monolayer Fe(Te,Se) superconductors, the findings pave the way for new material realizations of the simplest and most robust 1D TSCs using embedded quantum structures in unconventional superconductors with large pairing energy gaps and high transition temperatures. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.086803 |
摘要 | The bulk-boundary correspondence is among the central issues of non-Hermitian topological states. We show that a previously overlooked “non-Hermitian skin effect” necessitates redefinition of topological invariants in a generalized Brillouin zone. The resultant phase diagrams dramatically differ from the usual Bloch theory. Specifically, we obtain the phase diagram of the non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, whose topological zero modes are determined by the non-Bloch winding number instead of the Bloch-Hamiltonian-based topological number. Our work settles the issue of the breakdown of conventional bulk-boundary correspondence and introduces the non-Bloch bulk-boundary correspondence. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.136802 |
摘要 | The relation between chiral edge modes and bulk Chern numbers of quantum Hall insulators is a paradigmatic example of bulk-boundary correspondence. We show that the chiral edge modes are not strictly tied to the Chern numbers defined by a non-Hermitian Bloch Hamiltonian. This breakdown of conventional bulk-boundary correspondence stems from the non-Bloch-wave behavior of eigenstates (non-Hermitian skin effect), which generates pronounced deviations of phase diagrams from the Bloch theory. We introduce non-Bloch Chern numbers that faithfully predict the numbers of chiral edge modes. The theory is backed up by the open-boundary energy spectra, dynamics, and phase diagram of representative lattice models. Our results highlight a unique feature of non-Hermitian bands and suggest a non-Bloch framework to characterize their topology. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.78.195424 |
摘要 | We show that the fundamental time-reversal invariant (TRI) insulator exists in 4+1 dimensions, where the effective-field theory is described by the (4+1)-dimensional Chern-Simons theory and the topological properties of the electronic structure are classified by the second Chern number. These topological properties are the natural generalizations of the time reversal-breaking quantum Hall insulator in 2+1 dimensions. The TRI quantum spin Hall insulator in 2+1 dimensions and the topological insulator in 3+1 dimensions can be obtained as descendants from the fundamental TRI insulator in 4+1 dimensions through a dimensional reduction procedure. The effective topological field theory and the Z2 topological classification for the TRI insulators in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions are naturally obtained from this procedure. All physically measurable topological response functions of the TRI insulators are completely described by the effective topological field theory. Our effective topological field theory predicts a number of measurable phenomena, the most striking of which is the topological magnetoelectric effect, where an electric field generates a topological contribution to the magnetization in the same direction, with a universal constant of proportionality quantized in odd multiples of the fine-structure constant α=e2/ℏc. Finally, we present a general classification of all topological insulators in various dimensions and describe them in terms of a unified topological Chern-Simons field theory in phase space. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prx/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevX.8.021065 |
摘要 | We discuss the characterization of the polarization for insulators under the periodic boundary condition in terms of the Berry phase, clarifying confusing subtleties. For band insulators, the Berry phase can be formulated in terms of the Bloch function in momentum space. More generally, in the presence of interactions or disorders, one can instead use the many-body ground state as a function of the flux piercing the ring. However, the definition of the Bloch function and the way of describing the flux are not unique. As a result, the value of the Berry phase and its behavior depend on how precisely it is defined. In particular, identifying the Berry phase as a polarization, its change represents a polarization current, which also depends on the definition. We demonstrate this by elucidating mutual relations among different definitions of the Berry phase and showing that they correspond to currents measured differently in real space. Despite the nonuniqueness of the polarization current, the total charge transported during a Thouless pumping process is independent of the definition, reflecting its topological nature. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prx/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevX.9.041015 |
摘要 | Non-Hermiticity enriches topological phases beyond the existing Hermitian framework. Whereas their unusual features with no Hermitian counterparts were extensively explored, a full understanding about the role of symmetry in non-Hermitian physics has still been elusive, and there remains an urgent need to establish their topological classification in view of rapid theoretical and experimental progress. Here, we develop a complete theory of symmetry and topology in non-Hermitian physics. We demonstrate that non-Hermiticity ramifies the celebrated Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry classification for insulators and superconductors. In particular, charge conjugation is defined in terms of transposition rather than complex conjugation due to the lack of Hermiticity, and hence chiral symmetry becomes distinct from sublattice symmetry. It is also shown that non-Hermiticity enables a Hermitian-conjugate counterpart of the Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry. Taking into account sublattice symmetry or pseudo-Hermiticity as an additional symmetry, the total number of symmetry classes is 38 instead of 10, which describe intrinsic non-Hermitian topological phases as well as non-Hermitian random matrices. Furthermore, due to the complex nature of energy spectra, non-Hermitian systems feature two different types of complex-energy gaps, pointlike and linelike vacant regions. On the basis of these concepts and K-theory, we complete classification of non-Hermitian topological phases in arbitrary dimensions and symmetry classes. Remarkably, non-Hermitian topology depends on the type of complex-energy gaps, and multiple topological structures appear for each symmetry class and each spatial dimension, which are also illustrated in detail with concrete examples. Moreover, the bulk-boundary correspondence in non-Hermitian systems is elucidated within our framework, and symmetries preventing the non-Hermitian skin effect are identified. Our classification not only categorizes recently observed lasing and transport topological phenomena, but also predicts a new type of symmetry-protected topological lasers with lasing helical edge states and dissipative topological superconductors with nonorthogonal Majorana edge states. Furthermore, our theory provides topological classification of Hermitian and non-Hermitian free bosons. Our work establishes a theoretical framework for the fundamental and comprehensive understanding of non-Hermitian topological phases and paves the way toward uncovering unique phenomena and functionalities that emerge from the interplay of non-Hermiticity and topology. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.125103 |
摘要 | We classify topological phases of non-Hermitian systems in the Altland-Zirnbauer classes with an additional reflection symmetry in all dimensions. By mapping the non-Hermitian system into an enlarged Hermitian Hamiltonian with an enforced chiral symmetry, our topological classification is thus equivalent to classifying Hermitian systems with both chiral and reflection symmetries, which effectively change the classifying space and shift the periodical table of topological phases. According to our classification tables, we provide concrete examples for all topologically nontrivial non-Hermitian classes in one dimension and also give explicitly the topological invariant for each nontrivial example. Our results show that there exist two kinds of topological invariants composed of either winding numbers or Z2 numbers. By studying the corresponding lattice models under the open boundary condition, we unveil the existence of bulk-edge correspondence for the one-dimensional topological non-Hermitian systems characterized by winding numbers, however we did not observe the bulk-edge correspondence for the Z2 topological number in our studied Z2-type model. |
DOI | https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.125103 |
摘要 | Spontaneously broken gauge theories describing gauge bosons coupled in the manner of the Yang-Mills prescription to a Lorentz scalar φ transforming as an arbitrary (2n+1)-dimensional irreducible representation of the gauge group SO(3) are considered. It is shown that given the topologically stable, static solution of 't Hooft and Polyakov for the isovector (n=1) field there exists a recipe for constructing solutions to all higher-dimensional fields φ. The case n=2 is worked out in some detail. The same recipe is applicable to any other homotopy class where the isovector problem is solved, and the solutions so generated are seen to be the only possible stable ones. Since the above solutions exist only if the vacuum is U(1) symmetric, arguments supporting that contingency for a general rank-n Lagrangian are given. In two space dimensions, the tower of solutions corresponding to the only stable homotopy class are outlined and the case n=2 is described in detail. In all cases the electric potential that may be added in the manner of Julia and Zee is specified. |