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Rong Liao

I am an undergraduate at School of Physical Sciences of University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei. I also minor in computer science in School of Computer Science and Technology of USTC. I study on superconducting quantum computing,advised by Prof. Yongheng Huo with Jianwei Pan's Group.

Email  /  Github  /  Zhi Hu


  • 2022/09-now, School of Physical Sciences of USTC (Major BSc degree),advised by Prof. Yongheng Huo.
  • 2022/09-now, School of Computer Science and Technology of USTC (Second BSc degree).
  • 2023/06-now, Wu Ziliang Talent Program in Superconducting Physics, USTC & SIMIT,CAS.
  • 2022/03-2022/09, Zhao Jiuzhang Talent Program in Earth and Space Sciences, USTC & IGG,CAS.
  • 2021/09-2022/06, School of Earth and Space Sciences of USTC,advised by Prof. Junlun Li.
  • 2018/09-2021/06, Science Experimental Class 1 of Tunxi No.1 Senior High School.
  • Career

  • 2023/06-now, Hefei National Laboratory, Research Assistant.
  • 2024/02-2024/07, College Physics Fundamental Experiment(PHYS1008B.01.2024SP), Teaching Assistant
  • 2023/09-2024/01, Electromagnetism Course(PHYS1004C.06.2023FA), Teaching Assistant
  • Recent Projects

    Several projects and papers from my physics and computer courses.

  • Atmospheric Electricity Modeling and Corona Dischargement Motor Design
  • Paper | PPT for Thesis Defense

    Abstract: Based on the observation data and theoretical modeling of atmospheric electric field, this paper explains the formation reasons of atmospheric electric field.A simple model of atmospheric electric field and magnitude of field intensity are obtained. And considering the influence of thunderstorm weather on atmospheric electric field, on the model. Make optimizations. Based on this, a motor based on corona discharge principle is designed to analyze the ionic wind phenomenon of corona discharge. Numerical simulation exploration. By controlling the number of stator, the size of air gap and the deviation Angle between stator and axis, a better theoretical result is obtained. The body device utilizes the atmospheric electric field in the natural environment.

    Keywords: Atmospheric Electricity, Corona Dischargement, Atmosperic physics, Space Physics

  • Design of seismograph based on raspberry PI platform and the practice of calculating station clock difference and Green's function by cross correlation function
  • Report | Github

    Abstract: In this paper, a simple seismograph is built by using raspberry PI platform, 3D geophone and analog-to-digital conversion chip. In the field data measurement, the station clock difference between the homemade seismograph and the professional seismograph with GPS automatic timing function is obtained by using cross-correlation function. Furthermore, the green's function between the station pairs is obtained by using the cross-correlation technique to deal with the noise records of three professional seismographs in the same.

    Keywords: Seismograph, Background noise, Cross-correlation, Green's function

  • College Physics Experiment Reports
  • *Guide to College Physics Experiment VScode-Latex TXT IYPT PPT Guide PDF CUPT Cookbook
    1.Measurement of gravitational acceleration PDF| TEX
    2.Determination of surface tension PDF| TEX
    3.Determination of shear modulus PDF| TEX
    4.Study on characteristics of silicon photocell PDF| TEX
    5.IYPT2022 Candle Powered Turbine PPT
    6.IYPT2022 Ball on Membrane PPT
    7.Measurement of Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio of Metal Wire PDF
    8.Study of Polarized Light PDF
    9.Study of Hall Effect PDF
    10.Monochromator calibration and spectral measurement PDF
    11.Magnetoresistive Effect PDF
    12.IYPT2023 Oscillating Screw PPT
    13.Rutherfold Scattering PDF
    14.DC Glow Discharge of Plasma PDF
    15.Spectrum of Hydrogen and Deuterium PDF
    16.Comprehensive Experiment on Electro-optical Effect of Liquid Crystal PDF
    17.Acquisition and Measurement of Low Vacuum PDF
    18.The Absorption of Beta Ray PDF
    19.Fourier Optics PDF
    20.Microwave Optics Experiment PDF
    21.HeNe Laser Experiment PDF
    22.Principle and Technology of PVD PDF
    23.Lock in Amplifier PDF
    24.Raman Spectra PDF
    25.Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy PDF
    26.Micromegas PDF
    27.NV Center PDF
    28.Compton Scattering PDF
    29.MRPC Cosmic Rays PDF
    30.Optical Tweezer PDF
    31.Quantum Precision Measurement of Magnetic Field PDF
    32.Nonlinear Optical Second Harmonic Generation Experiment PDF
    33.HOM Interference Experiment PDF
    34.Entangled Photons PDF
    35.Quantum Computing Experiment PDF
    36.Micro-elactronics Experiment PDF
    37.Magneto Optical Effect PDF


  • 2021/11/21, Experience Sharing Talk to SEC, TXYZ.
  • 2022/10/15, Mechanics Learning Experience Sharing Talk to ESS,USTC
  • 2022/10/29, Mechanics Learning Experinece Sharing Talk to USTC Resources

  • 2023/04/01, College Physics Experiment Experience Sharing Talk to USTC Resources

  • 2023/06/10, Electromagnetic Essay Experience Sharing Talk to USTC Resources
  • Research

    I'm interested in superconducting quantum computing, advised by Prof. Yongheng Huo with Jianwei Pan's Group.

    Atomic Physics Course Paper

    Atomic Physics Paper

    My course paper,where I made some introduction to superconducting quantum computing.Here is the PDF. PDF

    Cantilever Mechanical Loss Measurement Setup

    Recently I'm working on setting up a paltform to measure the mechanical loss of cantilevers.
    Overall Setup

    Electrostatic Drive Plate Amplitude Measuring Setup

    Refer to Robie, Raymond (2018) Characterisation of the mechanical properties of thin-film mirror coating materials for use in future interferometric gravitational wave detectors. PhD thesis.


  • Ultrahigh-reflective optical thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering with RF-induced substrate bias.

    TH Chung, XL Zou, QH Zhang, M Wang, XQ Zhu, MX Zhang, QC Lin, R Liao, XY Cui, J Zhang, P Xu, HN Dai, YA Chen, YH Huo, JW Pan;

    Review of Scientific Instrument. 1 April 2024; 95 (4): 045107.
  • Scholarship

  • Outstanding Student Scholarship Grade 2(for top10%)
  • Awards

  • 01/2024, 19th Physics Innovative Research Experiment Paper Competition in USTC, Grand Prize

  • 06/2023, Seminar of Atomic Physics in USTC ,2nd Prize (co-auther: Baiyu Liu)

  • 06/2022, Competition of Electromagnetism Essay in USTC, 2nd Prize (co-auther: Baiyu Liu)

  • 04/2022, The 4rd Undergraduate Physics Tournament of Anhui Province, 2nd Prize

  • 03/2022, The 8th Undergraduate Physics Tournament of USTC, 1st Prize

  • 12/2021, USTC Story in English Competition, Best Team Prize (co-auther: Yue Yuan, Baiyu Liu)

  • 11/2021, The 22nd Student Backbone training course and the 28th training course for the League School in USTC, Excellent level.

  • Hobbies

    Violinist of USTC Student Symphony Ochestra

  • 2021 Freshmen Welcome Party "Live Up to Youth", Eternal East Wind
  • USSO_1

    Member of Running Enthusiasts Association in USTC

  • 2021 Campus Marathon: 12.9km Finished in 65 mins.
  • Marathon_1

    Thanks to WangYunhe for website design. Copyright © 2022 Rong Liao, All Rights Reserved