本文记录 SOHO 卫星 LASCO 仪器 fits 头文件详细内容说明
本文是在学习分析 SOHO 卫星 LASCO 仪器数据时记录,因需要一些头文件的数据,但是限于个人水平,大多数头的含义没有看懂,个人在网络上搜寻许久,终于在这里找到详细记录,由于以上方式查阅比较困难,特在此记录方便查阅。
S 代表字符串 (string),I 代表整数 (Integer),R 代表实数 (Real)
关键词 | 格式 | 值 | 详细说明 |
SIMPLE | S*1 | T | 表明符合 fits 格式标准 |
BITPIX | I*2 | 8,16,32 | 每个像素点代表的位数 |
NAXIS | I*2 | 2 | 图像中的轴数 |
NAXIS1 | I*2 | 正整数 | 第一个轴的长度(列)编号 |
NAXIS2 | I*2 | 正整数 | 第二个轴的长度(列)编号 |
TELESCOP | S*8 | SOHO | 卫星名字 |
INSTRUME | S*8 | LASCO | 仪器名字 |
DETECTOR | S*8 | C1/C2/C3 | 望远镜名字 |
FILENAME | S*30 | fits 文件的文件名 | |
FILEORIG | S*17 | 原始测量文件 (形式为 YYMMDD_HHMMSS.img) | |
DATE | S*23 | 文件编写时间,如 1996/05/21 17:28:48.208 | |
DATE-OBS | S*10 | 开始曝光的日期,如 1996/05/20 | |
TIME-OBS | S*12 | 开始曝光的时间,如 00:40:05.407 | |
MID_DATE | I*2 | 曝光中点日期(简化儒略日) Modified Julian Date at the mid-point of the exposure |
MID_TIME | R*4 | 曝光中点时间(在当天的秒数) Number of seconds of the day at the mid-point of the exposure |
OBT_TIME | R*4 | Value of the On-Board Time | |
EXPTIME | R*4 | Number of seconds of the exposure time | |
EXP0 | R*4 | Measured exposure delay time | |
EXPCMD | R*4 | Commanded exposure delay time | |
EXP1 | R*4 | Length of time since CCD clear | |
EXP2 | R*4 | Length of time to open shutter | |
EXP3 | R*4 | Length of time to close shutter | |
READPORT | S*1 | A/B/C/D | CCD readout port |
SUMROW | I*2 | 0/2/4 | Number of rows being summed on the CCD |
SUMCOL | I*2 | 0/2/4 | Number of columns being summed on the CCD |
LEBXSUM | I*2 | 0/2/4 | Number of columns being summed in the LEB |
LEBYSUM | I*2 | 0/2/4 | Number of rows being summed in the LEB |
SHUTTR | I*2 | 0 1 |
Shutter was commanded open during the exposure Shutter was not commanded during the exposure |
LAMP | I*2 | 0 1 |
Calibration lamp was not commanded on Calibration lamp was commanded on |
FILTER | S*8 | Clear Orange FeXIV FeX CaXV Blue Red IR Lens |
Position of the filter wheel |
POLAR | S*8 | Clear 0 deg +60 deg -60 deg H alpha ND |
Position of the polarizer wheel |
LP_NUM | S*8 | Normal Cal Lamp Dark Line Scan Pol Seq |
Description of the LEB Program (LP) used to generate the image |
OS_NUM | I*2 | Observing Sequence Number | |
IMGCTR | I*2 | Sequential counter since the last LEB reboot | |
IMGSEQ | I*2 | Number of the image in the current sequence, starting at 0 | |
COMPRSSN | S*8 | Code indicating the steps used in compressing the data | |
PLATESCL | R*4 | Number of arc seconds per pixel | |
OFFSET | I*2 | Electronic offset in DN | |
P1COL | I*2 | CCD column number of start of image, 0-19 are underscan pixels, 20-1043 are imaging pixels, 1044 - 32000 are overscan pixels | |
P1ROW | I*2 | CCD row number of start of image, 1-1044 are imaging rows, 1025-32000 are overscan rows | |
P2COL | I*2 | CCD column number of start of image, 0-19 are underscan pixels, 20-1043 are imaging pixels, 1044 - 32000 are overscan pixels | |
P2ROW | I*2 | CCD row number of start of image, 1-1044 are imaging rows, 1025-32000 are overscan rows | |
RECTIFY | I*2 | TRUE FALSE | Status of rectification to put solar north to the top of the image |
R1COL | I*2 | The rectified coordinate, equivalent to P1COL, as though the image had been read out with this coordinate | |
R1ROW | I*2 | Rectified P1ROW | |
R2COL | I*2 | Rectified P2COL | |
R2ROW | I*2 | Rectified P2ROW | |
EFFPORT | S*8 | A/B/C/D | Rectified read out port |
VERSION | I*2 | Version number of LEB header | |
DATAMIN | R*4 | Minimum value of the image, including the bias | |
DATAMAX | R*4 | Maximum value of the image | |
DATAZER | I*4 | Number of zero pixels in the image | |
DATASAT | I*4 | Number of saturated values in the image | |
DATAAVG | R*4 | Average value of the image | |
DATASIG | R*4 | Standard deviation in computing the average | |
DATAP01 | I*4 | Intensity of 1st percentile of image | |
DATAP10 | I*4 | Intensity of 10th percentile of image | |
DATAP25 | I*4 | Intensity of 25th percentile of image | |
DATAP75 | I*4 | Intensity of 75th percentile of image | |
DATAP90 | I*4 | Intensity of 90th percentile of image | |
DATAP95 | I*4 | Intensity of 95th percentile of image | |
DATAP98 | I*4 | Intensity of 98th percentile of image | |
DATAP99 | I*4 | Intensity of 99th percentile of image | |
CRPIX1 | R*4 | Column number of the reference pixel.(太阳中心) | |
CRPIX2 | R*4 | Row number of the reference pixel.(太阳中心) | |
CRVAL1 | R*4 | Number of arc seconds of the center of the sun from the reference position in the azimuthal direction (E-W). Positive is to the solar west | |
CRVAL2 | R*4 | Number of arc seconds of the center of the sun from the reference position in the azimuthal direction (N-s). Positive is to the solar north | |
CROTA1 | R*4 | Rotation of axis 1 with respect to solar north. Positive is westward (clockwise) | |
CROTA2 | R*4 | Rotation of axis 2 with respect to solar north. Positive is westward (clockwise) | |
CTYPE1 | S*8 | SOLAR-X | Type of units of axis #1 |
CTYPE2 | S*8 | SOLAR-Y | Type of units of axis #2 |
CUNIT1 | S*8 | ARCSEC | Units along axis #1 |
CUNIT2 | S*8 | ARCSEC | Units along axis #2 |
CDELT1 | R*8 | Increment along axis #1 (Same as PLATESCL) | |
CDELT2 | R*8 | Increment along axis #2 (Same as PLATESCL) | |
HISTORY | S*80 | History of processing. | |
COMMENT | S*80 | Comments. | |
END | Last keyword in the FITS header |