210076: Principle of Microcomputer and Embedded System (Spring 2021)
The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basic principles of micro-computer systems and embedded systems. Techniques of understanding and building modern computing systems are emphasized during teaching. Particular attention is paid to microprocessor and interface technology. Topics covered include: computer architectures, microarchitectures, instruction set architectures, memory management, I/O interface, bus operation, embedded systems, and software of computer system.
Basic Information
- Instructor: Xiaohui Chen, XuZhang
- Email: cxh@ustc.edu.cn, xuzhang90@ustc.edu.cn
- Time and Location: Tue(6, 7), Thu(1, 2) 3C202
- TAs: Wenbo Chen (chaf@mail.ustc.edu.cn), Junyi Zhou (speed@mail.ustc.edu.cn)
- QQ Group ID: 619293596
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Fifth Edition
Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design